Thread Number: 47992
1960 Westinghouse Stove Top; Turners Falls, MA--FREE
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Post# 696031   8/12/2013 at 12:45 (4,073 days old) by Blackstone (Springfield, Massachusetts)        

blackstone's profile picture
Looks to be in good condition; can't beat the price!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Blackstone's LINK on Westernmass Craigslist

Post# 696043 , Reply# 1   8/12/2013 at 13:30 (4,073 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
All i have to say is!

They will be SORRY they ever took that out, I sure wish I was closer!

Post# 696087 , Reply# 2   8/12/2013 at 16:31 (4,073 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

They might be getting newer but they won't be getting better. Sometimes "up dating" is not moving up. Mine has black knobs and the lenses above each dial for the lighted colors.

Post# 696204 , Reply# 3   8/13/2013 at 08:48 (4,072 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
This was the same Westy set we had in the house when my parents married in '81. The range top was replaced after a small fire on moving day with a GE but the oven was kept (odd size) and matched the coppertone Hotpoint dishwasher. The pink & gray boomerang Formica was lost as well. :-(

Post# 696598 , Reply# 4   8/15/2013 at 03:04 (4,071 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        

Those are very nice Westinghouse appliances. I noticed how the oven heat was deflected from the cabinets by the design of cabinet. Very Nice.

Post# 696862 , Reply# 5   8/16/2013 at 13:30 (4,069 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
I think..

Westinghouse built some of the very best ranges ever,My hometown is full of the built ins, and I know of at least ten houses ive been in that are still using them with no repairs, those Corox units last forever.

Post# 696923 , Reply# 6   8/16/2013 at 18:06 (4,069 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        
The Corox units were durable

but the infinite switches were the fragile link in their ranges. Westinghouse ovens from the mid-50s on were more heavily insulated than those made by GE. GE's broiler reflector, which helped the broiling performance, was added to compensate for the thinner insulation between the oven cavity and the rangetop.

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