Thread Number: 48000
nice Maytag pair
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Post# 696161   8/13/2013 at 00:55 (4,001 days old) by twintubdexter (Palm Springs)        

twintubdexter's profile picture
These look very clean. Electric dryer, such a deal @ $150, and so dependable huh?

CLICK HERE TO GO TO twintubdexter's LINK on Palmsprings Craigslist

Post# 696292 , Reply# 1   8/13/2013 at 19:15 (4,000 days old) by pulltostart (Mobile, AL)        

pulltostart's profile picture

Nice pair of Maytags.



Post# 696294 , Reply# 2   8/13/2013 at 19:20 (4,000 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

mrb627's profile picture
A steal of a deal at 150$


Post# 696305 , Reply# 3   8/13/2013 at 19:43 (4,000 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Aren't These....

danemodsandy's profile picture
....The TOL models of their time? And does anyone know the model numbers?

I don't know very much about this generation, except that the second series, with the black buttons, was much more attractive than the first, which had off-white buttons, and as a result, didn't look as elegant nor as expensive.

Post# 696310 , Reply# 4   8/13/2013 at 20:01 (4,000 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

They look MINT!


If the dryer was gas, I'd really be upset.  Not because I need electric, but because the machines aren't closer to me.

Post# 696331 , Reply# 5   8/13/2013 at 21:57 (4,000 days old) by redcarpetdrew (Fairfield, CA)        
12 series!

redcarpetdrew's profile picture
Very nice. The washer is a 712 and the dryer is a... 612? It looks to be missing a few buttons to be a LDE712. Still, the washer at least was Maytag's premium offering and was a capable performer. Nice wash/rinse temp offerings as well as more wash/spin speed selections than should be allowed by nature. These will make someone's laundry room proud!


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