Thread Number: 48024
even at $9,500 this is nice
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Post# 696510   8/14/2013 at 17:08 (4,198 days old) by twintubdexter (Palm Springs)        

This post has been removed by the member who posted it.

Post# 696513 , Reply# 1   8/14/2013 at 17:20 (4,198 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Enquiring Minds Want to Know!

danemodsandy's profile picture
What in the bloody blue Hell are they replacing that with?

There is nothing on the market today that would remotely compare to it - not even today's "professional" ranges.

Post# 696515 , Reply# 2   8/14/2013 at 17:25 (4,198 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture

All I can think of would be that they are selling the house and downsizing such that moving it would be impractical AND they in no way want to sell it WITH the house.  They want to see it go where it will be appreciated and respected!


And DANG, it sure is pretty!

Post# 696519 , Reply# 3   8/14/2013 at 17:51 (4,198 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

Enough knobs on that thing to keep anyone busy!

Post# 696523 , Reply# 4   8/14/2013 at 18:13 (4,198 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

No surprise there.  That's where Oprah, Ellen, and a significant percentage of the planet's uber-wealthy live.


I can't remember the name for this model.  Is it "The Aristocrat?"

Post# 696527 , Reply# 5   8/14/2013 at 18:23 (4,198 days old) by Travis ()        

I think that is the Aristocrat.  It's a beautiful stove!

Post# 696529 , Reply# 6   8/14/2013 at 18:38 (4,198 days old) by retromania (Anderson, South Carolina)        

It's fabulous!!!

Post# 696567 , Reply# 7   8/14/2013 at 22:24 (4,198 days old) by rberryiii3 (Palm Springs, California)        
price is dropping

This poor stove has been on the market for months started at $ 12,500.00.  It is lovely.

Post# 696570 , Reply# 8   8/14/2013 at 22:49 (4,198 days old) by twintubdexter (Palm Springs)        

twintubdexter's profile picture
I didn't realize it had been on the market for months, so sorry.

Post# 696571 , Reply# 9   8/14/2013 at 23:04 (4,198 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

Joe, don't apologize.  Your post is the first anyone has seen or heard about this beauty, and that you went to the trouble to provide a link is appreciated.

Post# 696656 , Reply# 10   8/15/2013 at 14:18 (4,197 days old) by RevvinKevin (La-La Land)        

revvinkevin's profile picture



So Joe.... WHY did you delete the post??????

Post# 696669 , Reply# 11   8/15/2013 at 14:57 (4,197 days old) by twintubdexter (Palm Springs)        

twintubdexter's profile picture
I didn't realize it was "yesterday's news." I normally don't look at the Santa Barbara Craigslist. At 209 miles from my house it's out of my shopping area. Here's the link and pic again.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO twintubdexter's LINK on Santabarbara Craigslist

Post# 696671 , Reply# 12   8/15/2013 at 15:21 (4,197 days old) by RevvinKevin (La-La Land)        

revvinkevin's profile picture



Thank you for reposting this Joe!


"Over $13,000 in the restoration...which is why it looks so brand new".


Yowza!   But man-o-man what a BEAUTY it is!   SO cool!    Though it it would never fit in my kitchen!



Post# 696699 , Reply# 13   8/15/2013 at 18:10 (4,197 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

danemodsandy's profile picture
I think it's the same size as my kitchen!

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