Thread Number: 48065
maytag washer dryer - $150 (le roy)
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Post# 697000   8/16/2013 at 23:11 (3,996 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

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MT experts - are these 700 series? I love the yellow, if not canary. But there appears to be rust around the washer top.

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Post# 697007 , Reply# 1   8/16/2013 at 23:36 (3,996 days old) by d-jones (Western Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh Area))        

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What you have here is a pair of 806 machines in Harvest Gold. The washer would be an HA806 and the dryer looks like an HDE806. Not a bad price for both machines if they're in good working condition. And unless I'm seeing things it looks like both of these machines have the little decorative chrome strip along the top edge of their respective front panels, which makes them more desirable, at least in my opinion.

Post# 697160 , Reply# 2   8/17/2013 at 19:20 (3,996 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

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d-jones - you might be right - it looks more apparent on the dryer than the washer, that chrome strip...but I'd enjoy having this set, with or without the strip. Afterall, if you can add a 906 panel to the 806's(did I refer to the 900 series correctly?) ...then maybe a chrome strip would be an easy "customize job". Thanks for your input! :-)

Post# 697164 , Reply# 3   8/17/2013 at 19:36 (3,996 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Nice Machines!

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These are early 806s, an HA806 washer and an HDE806 dryer, as David has said. The decorative chrome strip at the top of the front panel was standard issue at that time.

The washer should have a chrome-top lint filter, and the dryer is a Halo of Heat model.

Pluses include the true bleach dispenser and a tub light on the washer, and a lighted porcelain drum in the dryer.

Minuses include a dryer lint filter positioned at the rear of the dryer drum, and no low heat setting on the dryer. 806 washers of this generation have only three water level settings, not four as is found on the later machines.

The Harvest color and the early features would put the washer at not earlier than 1969, but not later than 1974, when the control panel insert color was changed from blue to gold. The dryer might be very special - on my monitor, it looks like its panel insert color could be gold instead of blue. That puts it 1974-75 or so, if I'm not mistaken. You could be looking at a pair purchased during the changeover, or machines purchased at different times. A HOH dryer with a gold panel is pretty rare; most units with gold panels are the later "big door" machines with a low heat setting and front-mounted lint filter.

Issues could include the usual older Maytag washer issues (damper pads needing replacement, possible tranny issues, etc.). On the dryer, the felt front seal usually needs replacement, and there can be an electronic issue with the automatic shutoff. All these issues are totally copable if one has mechanical aptitude and patience.

They're very nice machines, and you're tawkin' to someone who is no fan of Harvest. They're fairly priced, too.

This post was last edited 08/17/2013 at 20:06
Post# 697198 , Reply# 4   8/17/2013 at 22:07 (3,995 days old) by appnut (TX)        
Low heat on 806

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Sandy it is my understanding that all 806 dryers, just like their predecessor 700 series that were electronic control were all low-heat all-fabric setting only.  this did not change until the big-load 806 models with the two temp and two degree of dryness buttons on the panel next to the center dial. 

Post# 697222 , Reply# 5   8/18/2013 at 01:48 (3,995 days old) by d-jones (Western Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh Area))        

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Sandy - Being an electric dryer this one won't have the large felt seal fitted to the outer edge of the drum cover, but it should have the smaller seal around the drum opening that keeps coins and other such nonsense from shorting out the heating element. The large felt seal on the gas models was meant to force the airflow to enter the drum via the combustion cone and mixing chamber, thereby keeping temperatures down to the intended levels. But on the electric models, the very same gap that must be kept properly sealed off on a gas dryer, allows the incoming air to enter the drum cover evenly around its entire circumference, thereby creating the "HALO" effect we've all heard so much about. Finally just as a side note, on my monitor both panel inserts appear to be the early blue type, so I'd be willing to bet they're a matched set.


Phil - You can swap the 906 control panels onto an 806 machine with relative ease. In fact I've just done something similar to that on my moms dryer since I needed the cabinet to match her Harvest Gold 806 washer. Though in her case I'm taking the entire Harvest Gold cabinet from a DG406 and installing it on a DG906. You should take note of the points Sandy raised above if you want your converted 806 to look like a proper 906. I believe that by the time Maytag dumbed down the A806 by doing away with the tub light, the chrome strip, and the timed bleach dispenser, the 906's were already discontinued. So all 906 washers should have these features, meaning that for the sake of accuracy the A806 you plan to convert should be an early one. Though I suppose at this point I'm talking out of both sides of my mouth, since once these changes are made the data plate on the machine will no longer be correct, so there goes your accuracy.Wink

Post# 697237 , Reply# 6   8/18/2013 at 05:25 (3,995 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

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Yeah, I should have broken out the gas vs. electric issue. I think I was too busy trying to figure out that panel color!

Bob - I know what you're saying, but I don't feel the heat on an early 806 dryer functions like the low heat on a big-door dryer (I have both). It feels like a "compromise" heat setting, not like low heat to me. I will dry a plastic shower curtain liner in a big-door dryer (staying right there with it, of course). Wouldn't want to risk it in an early machine.

Oh, and David - If I were doing an 806 to 906 conversion, I'd sure want the data plates to move to the "new" machine - you're right that the plate is a giveaway. We sound like classic car buffs, don't we?

This post was last edited 08/18/2013 at 05:44
Post# 792714 , Reply# 7   11/8/2014 at 14:11 (3,548 days old) by maytag1234 ()        

I have a MAYTAG HA-806 and am looking for anyone with parts. What do you have?


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