Thread Number: 48083
Kitchenaid Imperial KDI-58 looking to sell
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Post# 697200   8/17/2013 at 22:26 (3,996 days old) by Thor1 ()        

I am in the Grand Rapids MI. area and have a Kitchenaid Imperial KDI-58 that I would like to sell. I am looking for assistance on pricing it fairly. There is an upper constant rinsing part that is broke and a few rust areas on the racks. Otherwise I ran the normal cycle without soap or dishes and it works. Found two drops of water on the underside near what looks like a drain hose just after the cycle ended. I ran it outside in my driveway in case something happened, but all seems very well. It came with my house when I moved in about seven years ago and not sure how long it did not run before that. For it sitting around that long and not knowing if it works then it does is after hooking it up was rather impressive. I just used it as a counter top and stored large pans in it for the last seven years. I'd like to sell it in hopes that it would be utilized. My email is

Post# 697276 , Reply# 1   8/18/2013 at 11:58 (3,995 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
KDI-58 KA Portable DW

combo52's profile picture

It may be worth $25-100 if someone nearby wants it, these are still fairly common and with no water heater you have to keep your water heaters temperature very hot for effective performance and few people are willing to do that anymore because of the expense and danger  water temperatures around 140 F pose.

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