Thread Number: 48118
1405 Xenium Lane North
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Post# 697644   8/20/2013 at 00:26 (4,126 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

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So...I've been buying some MWave books, and yes "I'm not sane". A Litton Cook Book I bought a few weeks ago - had a loose brochure promoting Littonware and more (photo). One of the two Litton microwaves looked really strange..and I began looking for Litton ads showing this obscure model with three dials.

Post# 697645 , Reply# 1   8/20/2013 at 00:28 (4,126 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        
Looking Closer

ovrphil's profile picture
I tried to find Litton ads with this model...never did find one.

Post# 697646 , Reply# 2   8/20/2013 at 00:30 (4,126 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        
Craigslist comes through

ovrphil's profile picture
Later, some week or so more - I found that microwave for sale - $15. It's not a fancy unit, but full-size, very quiet, and works. There's some issues, but overall's not bad...exceeded my expectation, anyways.

Post# 697648 , Reply# 3   8/20/2013 at 00:38 (4,126 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        
The Details and Questions...

ovrphil's profile picture
I know most of the members aren't microwave fans..but I'd be really appreciative for any help, ideas on the following?

I don't expect to find someone with this model 2022.001 Style B), but if you happen to have a similar model with the Timer, Power Level, and Temperature Control......
2) Would you have a manual that could be copied (I'll be happy to pay costs); operating this will be a guess.
3) This is a MULTI-WAVE Generation II - is that just a marketing hype or what does MULTI-WAVE mean?
4) The door handle is missing a button; if anyone has some suggestions as to where I might start to look for parts, thank you. I've found but the door handle kits(Manufacturer Number M11D85) are no longer available.
5) It's also missing an interior cooking rack - believe it's a white coated one - anyone have one of these or suggestions again, where to find one?

Thanks for looking, commenting if you have any ideas, and I'll try to figure out where to put this monster, eventually.

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