Thread Number: 48129
Frigidaire Twin 30 in pink
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Post# 697803   8/20/2013 at 23:19 (3,993 days old) by bluejay (Havre de Grace, MD)        

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This was posted over on Retro Renovation. It states from '62.


Post# 697865 , Reply# 1   8/21/2013 at 11:25 (3,992 days old) by twintubdexter (Palm Springs)        

twintubdexter's profile picture
That's a shame the lower oven door was damaged. Even more of a shame if the drawer is missing. Such a nice, clean GM design. Good luck getting a starting $150 bid.

That door reminds me of when the scrap guy would come by Western Appliance in SJ where I worked as a kid and take a load of trade-ins. I sort of "personally" inspected all the stuff that came in at the end of each day, and there was a lot. I'd see things like laundry and cooking appliances that owners had given the best of care and still looked new tossed on something that looked like a big cattle truck. Heavy stuff like ranges and washer/dryer combinations went on the bottom while everything else (except refrigeration) was thrown on top. Crushed porcelain was everywhere. It was a sad thing even way back then.

Post# 697872 , Reply# 2   8/21/2013 at 12:01 (3,992 days old) by bluejay (Havre de Grace, MD)        
Looking at the damage

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makes me wonder if someone hit the handle at some point; the damage is centered around the handle. As for the drawer, I imagine it would be there but was removed so it didn't get scuffed. If it didn't have it I would think they would say something. It really is cool. I wish they still put this much thought into modern appliances.

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