Thread Number: 48139
Appliances Unlimited
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Post# 697959   8/21/2013 at 20:46 (4,121 days old) by brainardcooper (Columbia, SC)        

Hello everyone. Has anybody done business with Appliances Unlimited in Queensbury, NY? Are they reputable? If so, What is the process of getting a W & D set transported from NY to SC? Some of you have suggested transport companies but I don't know how to start the process. Thanks.

Post# 698078 , Reply# 1   8/22/2013 at 09:27 (4,121 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

turquoisedude's profile picture

I've bought a number of machines and parts from Appliances Unlimited over the years (a Wards dishwasher, a 63 GE Filter-Flo set, and a 51 Kenmore dryer).  Only the Kenmore dryer was in 'total restoration needed' condition.   Most people here on the board would say that I paid far too much for the machines, but given that such machines are seldom, if ever, seen this side of the border, I think I paid a reasonable price for machines I really wanted.  


Queensbury is within my 'driving range' so I have been fortunate enough (with help from philr and his truck!!) to pick up the machines myself.  However, I recently used the services of Jackie Dempere, who has transported a number of machines for several members) and I think she did a great job for a reasonable rate.     If you'd like to contact Jackie,  please email me at my address in my profile and I'll send you her email. 


Post# 698116 , Reply# 2   8/22/2013 at 11:38 (4,121 days old) by boboh1 (California)        

I have been to their web-site and have written them several times about a washer that I wanted to purchase. They never wrote me or called me back. What a way to run a business

Post# 698203 , Reply# 3   8/22/2013 at 17:16 (4,120 days old) by bluejay (Havre de Grace, MD)        

bluejay's profile picture
"I have been to their web-site and have written them several times about a washer that I wanted to purchase. They never wrote me or called me back. What a way to run a business."

I've done the same and not received any response.

Post# 698417 , Reply# 4   8/23/2013 at 13:38 (4,120 days old) by firedome (Binghamton NY & Lake Champlain VT)        
I've been there...

firedome's profile picture
with PhilR and Paul... they do have a lot of cool stuff, but being older and from the "tell it like it is" generation ie: I'm not as diplomatic as Paul, LOL... so to be perfectly frank I felt the owner Hans had priced things like he didn't give a cr_p if he ever sold them or not (high), was not at all interested in talking about prices, almost like he was doing you a favor by even showing you vintage stuff - most of their sales are new near new stuff or repairs I imagine having seen what's around there (it's quite large). I'm told that allegedly he later scrapped a number of vintage machines, it would seem almost out of spite, which to me is absolutely beyond tbe pale... I honestly don't need anything so badly that I will abide rude or indifferent treatment... clearly, my advice: don't bother with them.

Post# 698482 , Reply# 5   8/23/2013 at 17:19 (4,119 days old) by brainardcooper (Columbia, SC)        
Thank You

Thank you for the input/advise. I appreciate it. bc

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