Thread Number: 48155
Maytag Vintage 1975 Dryer "the Halo of Heat"
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Post# 698089   8/22/2013 at 10:07 (3,991 days old) by fazzbyuno ()        

I hope I am putting this in the right place.
I work at a used appliance store that normally deals with more modern appliances, but we now have this vintage, working washer and I was told this was the proper place to find collectors.
If you like what you see in the included Craigslist post then please feel free to call the store.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO fazzbyuno's LINK on Tampa Craigslist

Post# 698100 , Reply# 1   8/22/2013 at 10:57 (3,991 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture

It looks pretty clean but these dryers often are harboring a myriad of small problems by this age (sagging heating element almost on its way out, failed front drum seal, belts on their last leg.)  This is a DE306 which was the second from the bottom-of-the-line dryer for that period of production.  Also the timer dial is not original, it is substituted from an earlier model.  The original timer dial for this model would have been spun aluminum to match the sun-glow gold panel trim.  A more realistic price for this would be $50 - $75 if you want some one from this site to take it seriously.  Now, perhaps you will hit the jackpot and find the right movie or TV producer who has a big budget and wants to put it on a set.  Good luck! 


For the archives:

Post# 698103 , Reply# 2   8/22/2013 at 11:02 (3,991 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture


Post# 698161 , Reply# 3   8/22/2013 at 15:16 (3,991 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

I was thinking the same thing, a "bit" ambitious on price. I run a used appliance store, and  about $100.00 is tops for that one.

Post# 698183 , Reply# 4   8/22/2013 at 15:59 (3,991 days old) by DigAPony ()        
A more realistic price for this would be $50 - $75

I just passed up a '71 TOL Harvest Gold HOH with the lighted console that was in better shape, the seller was willing to take about $20 for it.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO DigAPony's LINK on gjxfp-4010799630@sale Craigslist

Post# 698236 , Reply# 5   8/22/2013 at 18:08 (3,991 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture
Douglas, that is an exceptionally low price AND you were working with a private seller. In all fairness to this seller, you do have to take into account that an appliance store has overhead and also has most likely given it at least a cursary inspection to insure that it actually works. They also are most likely going to give it least a 14 or 30 day warranty.

Post# 699936 , Reply# 6   8/30/2013 at 09:36 (3,983 days old) by fazzbyuno ()        

Hello all. I hadn't realize that this was getting replies here. Thank you all for the information. Personally, I know nothing about this dryer except for what the technicians tell me (I work the computers).

The technician that got his hands on this was pretty excited about it after he checked that it does work. First he spoke about selling it as "hard to find" parts, then as a whole piece after he checked it out. He did the research and set the price.

Beyond that I can really only do what my boss tells me to do, though he did tell me he is willing to consider offers.

Post# 699939 , Reply# 7   8/30/2013 at 09:43 (3,983 days old) by fazzbyuno ()        

By the way, that post had top be renewed and the dryer ad is now located here:

CLICK HERE TO GO TO fazzbyuno's LINK on Tampa Craigslist

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