Thread Number: 48204
Free Whirlpool Belt Drive Pair
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Post# 698705   8/24/2013 at 21:50 (3,989 days old) by DigAPony ()        


Post# 698706 , Reply# 1   8/24/2013 at 21:55 (3,989 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

danemodsandy's profile picture
Looks like you're having trouble linking.

In a new browser tab, just go to the Craigslist page, then go up to the address bar in your browser and highlight the whole address you see there. Click on "Edit," then on "Copy."

Then come back to the tab where you're on AW, and use "Edit" and then "Paste" to paste the address into either your post here, or in the 'URL Link to Share" box below.

It looks like what you've copied is the "Reply To" email link in the CL ad.

This post was last edited 08/24/2013 at 22:17
Post# 698904 , Reply# 2   8/25/2013 at 21:34 (3,988 days old) by DigAPony ()        
Looks like you're having trouble linking.

Yes, thanks.

Actually, problem is my computer is acting up. It needs a OS upgrade clean install but I haven't had the time and will lose my copy of Photoshop CS in the process.

Anyway, it was nice older Whirlpool belt set drive for free. Needless to say they are gone now, free W/D's don't last more than a on CL.

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