Thread Number: 48249
Last Call for A806 Maytag
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Post# 699292   8/27/2013 at 15:34 (3,986 days old) by DigAPony ()        

Just as I suspected, the seller passed up my $20 offer for this 1971 A806 washer, now he is down to $15 and probably still no takers.

Someone should really save this before it gets scrapped.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO DigAPony's LINK on Allentown Craigslist

Post# 699294 , Reply# 1   8/27/2013 at 15:37 (3,986 days old) by DigAPony ()        

Oh by the way, the condition is fair, not "very good" as the seller claims.

Post# 699320 , Reply# 2   8/27/2013 at 18:24 (3,986 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

danemodsandy's profile picture
You really should go back and get it yourself; if you don't need it as a machine, you could part it out.

For $15, you'd be able to double - if not triple - your money on that chrome lint filter alone.

Post# 699326 , Reply# 3   8/27/2013 at 18:50 (3,986 days old) by easy (Boston, Mass)        
chrome lint filter

I have already contacted the seller in an attempt to get the lint filter alone for the asking price of the machine. I've been trying to get a chrome filter ever since I got my 806 set.

Wish me luck,


Post# 699349 , Reply# 4   8/27/2013 at 21:13 (3,985 days old) by DigAPony ()        
if you don't need it as a machine, you could part it out

If Ebay wasn't such a hassle these days I'd would have grabbed it for parts.

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