Thread Number: 48269
Fiat (Westinghouse Laundromat) few miles from Here in vercelli, Italy..
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Post# 699566   8/28/2013 at 17:59 (3,985 days old) by Kenmoreguy89 (Valenza Piemonte, Italy- Soon to be US immigrant.)        

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Post# 699576 , Reply# 1   8/28/2013 at 18:43 (3,985 days old) by Kenmoreguy89 (Valenza Piemonte, Italy- Soon to be US immigrant.)        

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The third in year that shows up! And I thought they were "rare".....

Post# 699595 , Reply# 2   8/28/2013 at 20:27 (3,985 days old) by ultramatic (New York City)        

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Yikes! That's about $1000 !

Post# 699768 , Reply# 3   8/29/2013 at 14:16 (3,984 days old) by Kenmoreguy89 (Valenza Piemonte, Italy- Soon to be US immigrant.)        

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Not $ 1000....but more likely 800 or about that...I think,  it's still pricey though, correct! but I could see a very rusty one being put for  well 1000 euros few  months ago maybe it's still on sale, maybe...haha I',m sure still is for that price... (they were simply crazy), but going with the absurd common logic of the " I could see others priced the same thing more"  this is indeed a good price.....still have the booklet and everything and no rust or marks whatsoever...not a "crazy"fool cost actually, but not even a make it fair they should subtract a couple of hundreds in my opinion...but anyway I do not want it...I just posted it as it's anyway a rare machine to be found in Europe, at this point not in Italy but yes in the rest of Europe for sure (considered as the whole  continent) so since is a nice well taken one,  and is near me if someone might want it I could see to help for purchase& shipping...

Post# 699769 , Reply# 4   8/29/2013 at 14:18 (3,984 days old) by Kenmoreguy89 (Valenza Piemonte, Italy- Soon to be US immigrant.)        

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Post# 699771 , Reply# 5   8/29/2013 at 14:22 (3,984 days old) by Kenmoreguy89 (Valenza Piemonte, Italy- Soon to be US immigrant.)        

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they does not mention if in working order.....maybe they just could not try it..from description  i get they just think someone would only care of esthetic rather than working order...they probably are those kind of fools that consider vtg as exposition/dsplay only...ahah...fools!

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