Thread Number: 48317
Looking for a Frigidare Jet-cone washer for sale.
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Post# 700238   8/31/2013 at 17:02 (4,114 days old) by volsboy1 (East Tenn Smoky mountains )        

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I will be buying a home in about with in six months,maybe sooner if one that I just can't pass up comes alone.

I want a Frigidare Jet-cone 1-18 but I will take any Frigidare that has that up and down agitator.


I never even knew those existed till I was in High-school and they had one in our Home-economics class room and I was

fascinated and hooked.When I came out I got kicked out for a while and my best friend picked one up for free.

That was the first time I ever got to use one and I loved it.They had the best roll-over I have ever seen and would spin

out really well.I can't find them around here anywhere and I have looked.

I also love those old Kelvinators also but my favorite would be the Jet-cone.I would appreciate any help with this

I am also going to buy me a old K-aid dishwasher but I want a washer first.

Post# 700239 , Reply# 1   8/31/2013 at 17:09 (4,114 days old) by joelippard (Hickory)        
Up and Down!

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I think I might know a way of finding you one.  Contact me via our email system on here for more information.



Post# 700639 , Reply# 2   9/2/2013 at 14:11 (4,112 days old) by mattntn (Jackson, TN)        

Best of luck in your search and congrats on your possible new place! Those machines are out there...although they do seem a little harder to find in our neck of the woods. My big search right now is KA Superba with SS panels. Bless my better half's heart - he doesn't understand my love of these classic machines but he at least smiles and is patient about it. :))

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