Thread Number: 48320
RCA "45" in a little cabinet
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Post# 700259   8/31/2013 at 18:13 (4,182 days old) by twintubdexter (Palm Springs)        

twintubdexter's profile picture
Isn't this a fun little thing? I've never seen one like it. Looks complete. In Long Beach, $100.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO twintubdexter's LINK on Los Angeles Craigslist

Post# 700292 , Reply# 1   8/31/2013 at 20:18 (4,182 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

danemodsandy's profile picture
That looks like a rare one! I've never seen it before.

It appears to be intended for use as a chairside or end table when not being used to play records.

RCA did make some upscale 45 units, though most were intended just to be plug-in attachments.

The one below is styled to look like a small Colonial chest, like a large tea caddy; it was the attachment intended to be used with the Berkshire Breakfront entertainment center, which came originally with a 78 changer:

Post# 700488 , Reply# 2   9/1/2013 at 18:52 (4,181 days old) by whirlaway (Hampton Virginia)        
Pretty Little Box

Isnt that the one Martha and George Washington used when they hosted their Rumba parties.Sooo upscale!

Post# 700524 , Reply# 3   9/1/2013 at 23:36 (4,180 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
I absolutely adored these RCA 45-rpm record changers when I was young. Mine looked more like this one: No cabinet or cover, but it had a built-in amplifier/speaker.

Spent countless hours stacking singles on that little thing and watching it go!

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