Thread Number: 48339
1940s? GE Dryer
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Post# 700490   9/1/2013 at 19:11 (3,981 days old) by oldskool (Kansas City, MO)        

This has been for sale in KC area for a while? The seller has just listed it again today. Only $30. Anyone interested?

CLICK HERE TO GO TO oldskool's LINK on Kansascity Craigslist

Post# 700497 , Reply# 1   9/1/2013 at 19:57 (3,981 days old) by whirlaway (Hampton Virginia)        

There is something so cute about that dryer! I really wish it was near me.Anyone with the washer,if they dont have one should try to get it.They have to be rare,and its so clean!

Post# 700501 , Reply# 2   9/1/2013 at 20:10 (3,981 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Hmmm.  I have a long-time friend in Lenexa, who happens to be coming "home" for a class reunion mid-month.  Maybe she could be convinced to fetch the dryer along ... except I have no room for it.

Post# 700509 , Reply# 3   9/1/2013 at 21:11 (3,981 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
I saw that a few weeks ago on CL. So cute - is this all GE?

Post# 700519 , Reply# 4   9/1/2013 at 22:28 (3,981 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

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Post# 700520 , Reply# 5   9/1/2013 at 22:29 (3,981 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

swestoyz's profile picture
Neat GE! I'm thinking this is a Hamilton-sourced dryer. Looks to be in awfully nice shape. Guessing around 1950-1951 or so.


Post# 700527 , Reply# 6   9/1/2013 at 23:56 (3,981 days old) by oldskool (Kansas City, MO)        
Hope Someone Gets it

It does appear to be in real nice condition for it's age. Would be great if someone on AW gets it.

@ Ben - A possible Hamilton source? Very interesting.

As the seller is in Parkville/Weston area - probably about 45 minutes from Lenexa - hope it works out.


Post# 700577 , Reply# 7   9/2/2013 at 06:42 (3,980 days old) by frigidaireguy (Wiston-Salem, NC)        
Hamilton Sourced

The interior of this dryer looks very much like a Hamilton built dryer. Hamilton also built dryers for Frigidaire until 1952.

Post# 700579 , Reply# 8   9/2/2013 at 07:57 (3,980 days old) by bellalaundry (St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada)        

bellalaundry's profile picture
sure like this one! Is it "apartment" sized? If someone nabs this and wants to resell...I am certainly interested!


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