Thread Number: 48441
Vintage Lady Kenmore Electric Dryer - $200 (Sanford)
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Post# 701901   9/8/2013 at 00:02 (4,047 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

ovrphil's profile picture
as the old expression for costly goes, "a bit dear"

CLICK HERE TO GO TO ovrphil's LINK on Daytona Craigslist

Post# 702308 , Reply# 1   9/9/2013 at 15:33 (4,045 days old) by sel8207 (naples, florida 34117)        
looked at this machine

Passed thru Sanford and looked at this machine; it's in rough condition. Panel light doesn't come on, but the ends of it look like it's trying to turn on; drum light comes on when door closes, and goes off when opened. (the reverse of what it is supposed to be.) Front glass has got small 1-2 inch crack at left bottom. It turns on and has a button setting on the front for just flowing air thru it and another for heat. Both work , but when dryer turns, it's sound like it needs a new bearing in one of the rollers. Chrome in front panel surround is quite pitted; so is the panel that you lift up to remove lint filter. Lint filter handle comes half way off when you pull on it. Could be fixed. I think this is the one with the panel light and not the selector dial light also, but am not sure. Offered him 50 for it but only if I was passing thru that part of florida and had the trailer with me; would not make a special trip to pick it up. Sorry, but it looks better in the pic than it does in person. Just fyi, so you don't get burned or waste your time. les p.s. you can ask him to send you close up clear pics of it.

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