Thread Number: 48452
Hotpoint Drop-In
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Post# 701974   9/8/2013 at 11:24 (3,974 days old) by pulltostart (Mobile, AL)        

pulltostart's profile picture
I believe Hotpoint called these 'Town and Country'.



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Post# 702018 , Reply# 1   9/8/2013 at 13:29 (3,974 days old) by Supersuds (Knoxville, Tenn.)        

supersuds's profile picture
Looks nice, very practical arrangement of the stove eyes.

Post# 702026 , Reply# 2   9/8/2013 at 14:03 (3,974 days old) by bajaespuma (Connecticut)        
I think these are very cool, but unlike their GE cousins...

bajaespuma's profile picture

...really terrible location for burner controls. The genius of the GE drop-ins was remote controls on a separate clock/timer module or located on the front of the overhead vent hood.

Post# 702148 , Reply# 3   9/8/2013 at 21:28 (3,973 days old) by Kenmoreguy64 (Charlotte, NC)        

kenmoreguy64's profile picture
Thanks for posting this Lawrence! This is the exact model drop-in that was included in our new-built house in Michigan. We moved-in on 12/22/67, so ours was likely either a '67 or '68 model. Ours was Coppertone.

I remember that control panel very well. Ours was on an arm of the counter that separated our kitchen from the eating area so we had access on either side --- the box around the clock has ultra sharp corners on it that really hurt on elbows when a 10-year old is watching his mom cook from the other side of the stove.

I showed my Mom this ad as soon as I saw it and she reminded me of an interesting story I've heard her tell before -- the oven window glass shattered on the second or third use, during Christmas dinner I think. She said "The repair guys looked at me like I was crazy; I think they thought I broke it." Interesting to note that the replacement window did not have those white lines on it, but our neighbor's of the same vintage (which never blew up) did have them.

I think our strongest recollections of this stove was Mom cleaning it - A LOT. She liked to roast meats nightly, or at least every other day, and the oven needed cleaning monthly or every few months at most. I remember well seeing the door off, laying against a cabinet when I came home from school and her sitting or nealing in front it with Easy-Off and an SOS pad.

If I had a place for this I'd grab it in a red-hot minute. Haven't seen one of these since 1977. My grandmother's 1974 Hotpoint 30-inch free standing range however had the same control panel, but the more typical arrangement of burners and no stainless top.

Cool, thanks again Lawrence!


Post# 702219 , Reply# 4   9/9/2013 at 06:48 (3,973 days old) by pulltostart (Mobile, AL)        

pulltostart's profile picture
What do you mean "if I had a place for this"? I've seen your garage... If you'd stop parking those cars in your garage you'd have plenty of room for this, and MORE!

You realize that with only the door being colored, you could easily change this baby to coppertone.

PS - glad you enjoyed the posts.


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