Thread Number: 48459
Anyone want Kitchenaid KDSS-20 Selectra Dishwasher?
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Post# 702049   9/8/2013 at 15:52 (3,974 days old) by okielady ()        

For 2 years my KDSS-20 bought new in March 1984 has run sporadically (see Thread 38914 begun 2/20/2012). I'm finally giving up after several months of it not running at all and replacing it next Wednesday with a Kitchenaid KUDE60HXSS. I don't expect to be anywhere nearly as happy with the new one; I loved the KDSS-20 for over 29 years and wish it would run forever.

Is there anyone out there who would like to have this KDSS-20 intact? If not, I already have someone who wants the racks. The person taking the machine would have to pick it up soon in Tulsa, OK or arrange for shipping at their expense. (Weight is probably 100-125 lbs.) I don't know if the problem is the control board or possibly door switches. It still has power because it shows the PF (Power Failure) light, but I can't clear it and get it to run. It is clean and in good condition with no rust anywhere.

If I don't have a firm commitment for the intact machine from anyone by this coming Wednesday morning when my new one will be installed, I will keep the promised racks and have it hauled off.

You can respond in this thread or send a private message to the email in my profile.

Here is a picture of the exterior. I will add to this thread with a couple of interior photos, if possible.

Post# 702051 , Reply# 1   9/8/2013 at 15:55 (3,974 days old) by okielady ()        
Interior Photo

Interior and lower rack.

Post# 702054 , Reply# 2   9/8/2013 at 15:58 (3,974 days old) by okielady ()        
Interior Photo

Upper rack.

Post# 702124 , Reply# 3   9/8/2013 at 19:34 (3,974 days old) by retropia ()        

It looks very clean! I hope someone can find a use for it.

Post# 702132 , Reply# 4   9/8/2013 at 20:11 (3,974 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
I find it interesting

whirlykenmore78's profile picture

That the electronics are so trouble prone on these.  Hobart rolled these out around the same time as the AM-14 dishmachine that has an extremely reliable electronic controller.   Apparently the did not put the same quality in the home machine.


Post# 702170 , Reply# 5   9/8/2013 at 23:18 (3,973 days old) by pdub (Portland, Oregon)        
Door Closed safety switch

pdub's profile picture
If the PF light is not clearing when you close the door latch and hit cancel, I wonder if it is just a faulty switch.

Have you checked to see if the plunger (upper right corner of tank) that pushes the switch in on the back of the door is still there? Some are made of plastic and have been known to snap off.

It is a very simple fix if that is the problem.

Post# 702182 , Reply# 6   9/9/2013 at 00:21 (3,973 days old) by okielady ()        
Reply to Door Closed Safety Switch

Thank you, pdub, for your suggestion about the safety switch, but it is still in good shape and in place. I have even poked the little round silver thing in the hole that it goes into many times and feel resistance like a spring.

Post# 702187 , Reply# 7   9/9/2013 at 00:57 (3,973 days old) by washer111 ()        
Nice Condition

For 29 years of usage that machine still looks to be in very nice condition. You've done well taking care of the machine.

The most interesting part is to see that the top rack hasn't start to degrade and rust along with rails, which seems quite commonplace based on what I've read here on

If the computerised controls on this machine truly are impossible to fix (I doubt that), this machine's mechanical aspect still appears to be quite sound. At least it would offer quite a lot in that aspect, should someone wish to part it out.
It would also be interesting to learn about this machine's control system.

I hope someone on here can rescue this machine. It is a true rarity, and whilst it might be a troublesome design, its uniqueness warrants someone here having it.
In fact, I think Combo52 (John) said he may very well have the last one of these in known existence.

Post# 702189 , Reply# 8   9/9/2013 at 01:02 (3,973 days old) by beekeyknee (Columbia, MO)        

beekeyknee's profile picture
It's too bad you're going to have it hauled off. There's probably a lot of good parts in that machine.

Yes, it's a rare machine.

Post# 702318 , Reply# 9   9/9/2013 at 16:25 (3,973 days old) by jkbff (Happy Rock, ND)        

jkbff's profile picture
I would love to have this machine, I just wished I knew someone that could / would haul it to North Dakota :/

It is Beautiful!!

Post# 702351 , Reply# 10   9/9/2013 at 19:39 (3,973 days old) by okielady ()        
Sadly my last try to repair my KDSS-20

I just had my last service call on the KDSS-20 with a person who has been repairing appliances for 40 years. He tested both switches and found them OK. The he tested the electronic control panel and found it not OK. This was replaced in the machine in 1986 under warranty and then again in 1987 and 1996 at our cost. I thought it was a long shot, but I was willing to pay for a service call to assure myself that it wouldn't run for me anymore.

So I am now convinced that there is no easy repair to keep it running for me, and I'll have to learn to love my new KUDE60HXSS being installed Wednesday morning.

The KDSS-20 is still available to anyone who wants to pick it up in Tulsa, OK or pay to have it shipped somewhere. I did confirm that the original documents say it weighs 125 lbs. Otherwise, I'll keep the promised upper and lower racks and have it hauled off...although I'm not sure I can watch.

Post# 702355 , Reply# 11   9/9/2013 at 19:58 (3,973 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Someone Save This!

danemodsandy's profile picture
As the owner points out, and as we all know, there's not much to be done for this machine at this point.

BUT - doesn't it have a fair number of other parts that people need? Those racks are one thing, but the wash arm support, the tub, door parts, etc., are all parts that someone's going to need sooner or later.

The tub alone will be a very desirable part soon - there's only so long the ones still in service can go without a rust-through.

To the owner: This is a very nice thing you're doing! Hopefully someone will be able to get it from you. If no one does, please know it's not necessarily lack of interest; it's just that transport can be both difficult to arrange and expensive.

Post# 702396 , Reply# 12   9/9/2013 at 23:31 (3,972 days old) by jkbff (Happy Rock, ND)        

jkbff's profile picture
I would gladly pay for it to be shipped if someone could do a shipping bid from uship or something... I just don't know who to contact for freight :/

It'd be coming to a commercial address in Dickinson, ND. 58601.

I'd love to have this to eventually get working again :)

Post# 702452 , Reply# 13   9/10/2013 at 11:04 (3,972 days old) by Travis ()        

All you have to do is get on Uship yourself and find a shipper. You'll need the weights and dimensions of the item and the to and from zip codes. From there, the shipment is listing for seven days to give shippers a chance to compete.

If your interested you better get moving and contact this nice lady in Tulsa.

Post# 702656 , Reply# 14   9/11/2013 at 10:29 (3,971 days old) by jkbff (Happy Rock, ND)        

jkbff's profile picture

I tried to save it and couldn't... The shipping was going to be near 400 bucks... 


Okielady, I appreciate you waiting for me to get the quotes, its too bad we couldn't make this work.


I can't wait for you to post pics of your new machine though :-) 


Happy Washing!

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