Thread Number: 48490
Flip Down Frigidaire Grills
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Post# 702506   9/10/2013 at 16:16 (4,171 days old) by kowidge ()        

French door wall oven and two double flip down countertop burners

CLICK HERE TO GO TO kowidge's LINK on Newjersey Craigslist

Post# 702532 , Reply# 1   9/10/2013 at 18:42 (4,171 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Barn doors on oven. No chance this is a "club member."

Post# 702545 , Reply# 2   9/10/2013 at 19:46 (4,171 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
A Little Wearily:

danemodsandy's profile picture
Here are photos for the Archives, and a bit of a whine:

When you post a link to an ad, and don't post a photo for the Archives, you are leaving a hole in the Archives for the future. Someone else, later on, may be in desperate need of the info a photo can give them.

Please consider taking the moment to post a pic when you post a link. If you've ever used Super Searchalator to run down information on something rare, only to find that the post Super Searchalator brings up has only a dead, three-year-old CL link, you're familiar with the frustration I'm talking about.

These Frigidaire drop-down units are pretty scarce; seems to me we should have some photos.

Now for the pics:

Post# 702546 , Reply# 3   9/10/2013 at 19:48 (4,171 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Pic 2

danemodsandy's profile picture

Post# 702547 , Reply# 4   9/10/2013 at 19:49 (4,171 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Pic 3

danemodsandy's profile picture

Post# 702548 , Reply# 5   9/10/2013 at 19:50 (4,171 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Pic 4

danemodsandy's profile picture

Post# 702549 , Reply# 6   9/10/2013 at 19:51 (4,171 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Pic 5

danemodsandy's profile picture

Post# 702550 , Reply# 7   9/10/2013 at 19:52 (4,171 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Pic 6

danemodsandy's profile picture

Post# 702551 , Reply# 8   9/10/2013 at 19:53 (4,171 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Pic 7

danemodsandy's profile picture

Post# 702553 , Reply# 9   9/10/2013 at 19:54 (4,171 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Pic 8

danemodsandy's profile picture

Post# 702626 , Reply# 10   9/11/2013 at 07:05 (4,170 days old) by bajaespuma (Connecticut)        

bajaespuma's profile picture

That's a very illogical heat selection menu. Does it correspond to some arcane and specific form of circuitry?

Post# 702634 , Reply# 11   9/11/2013 at 08:13 (4,170 days old) by frigidaireguy (Wiston-Salem, NC)        
Heat Selection Menu

All Frigidaire stoves were in this order until early 1960's - It would be interesting to know if there was a certain reasoning behind it being in this sequence.
I have a 1956 "Imperial" stove and the burner sequence is like this but on my 1962 Flair they had switched to Lowest (Simmer) to Highest (High).

Post# 702636 , Reply# 12   9/11/2013 at 08:39 (4,170 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture

According to Frigidaire literature of the day, this placement was VERY intentional.  The 3-wire monotube RadianTube elements (used from 1949-1959) were notoriously slow to heat up, especially on the lower temperatures where they did not receive full voltage.  Part of learning the "knack" of cooking effectively on these (which my grandmother and mother did until the early 1980s) was that ALL cooking operations begin on HIGH and then move to a lower temperature once the desired temperature was achieved.  


I remember that it took my mother a while back in the early 80s to adjust to her new Roper-built Kenmore range with its full-240 volt Calrod-style elements on infinite heat switches.  


Here is a statement to that effect from a 1955 range owner's manual:

Post# 702643 , Reply# 13   9/11/2013 at 09:40 (4,170 days old) by PassatDoc (Orange County, California)        

We had a similar wall oven in my parents' first purchased (vs. rented) house, built in 1958. There were no pull down stove burners. There was a traditional built in cook top. We moved away when I was five, so I don't remember whether we had gas vs electric, but I seem to remember heating coils at the oven bottom so I think oven was electric. Don't remember re: the cooktop. I know the house was piped for gas, because heating was via a wall mounted, hallway wall heater using gas (welcome to Southern California mid-century living). I just don't remember if the cooktop was gas or electric. I have seen other mid-century homes with electric barn door ovens and gas cooktops.

Post# 702673 , Reply# 14   9/11/2013 at 12:37 (4,170 days old) by kowidge ()        
Barn vs Double vs French

Just to clarify so individuals can stop using the wrong terminology and correcting me.

Barn Door - A door, usually single but occasionally in opposite with a center draw directional path, mounted on the surface and slides in PARALLEL PLANE to the surface on which it is mounted. (Think about it - when have you ever seen a huge 14' tall door for a tractor to pass through mounted on a swinging hinge? They don't exist) Also called a hangar door.

Double Door - Two doors mounted in tandem, with either opossing, tandem or parrallel swing(can be mounted in opposite hand direction as well - i.e. coming and going) to each other, always with a center post.

French Door - They are called french doors when two doors are mounted with opposite swing(not opposite direction)- AND NO CENTER POST. The French pioneered the surface mounted locking mechanism that allowed a person to use one of two small doors within a large opening, but still have a large opening available by simply opening the other.

Post# 702678 , Reply# 15   9/11/2013 at 12:50 (4,170 days old) by bluejay (Havre de Grace, MD)        
'Barn doors on oven. No chance this is a "club membe

bluejay's profile picture a reference the CL ad language.

"The set consists of 2 sets of burners that fold up and are hidden when not in use and mount against the wall on top of the counters and also an oven with barn doors which is set into its own metal cabinet."

Post# 702687 , Reply# 16   9/11/2013 at 13:17 (4,170 days old) by capecodlaundry ()        
Well regardless of french or barn door..

This set looks amazingly clean...why is it that all of current production crapp ceran and other "easy clean" cooktops are neither easy clean or last a long time. Tenants turn them into black tops realy soon and even when the best of us trys to cook on them they scratch and what not. More new technology that is not worth the litho ink used to print the owners manuals. Likely no new production washer range cooktop or oven would survive looking as good as these did from 1958! Highly amazing and very interesting about the placement of simmer next to HIGH i was wondering about that myself. SO do I understand that the burners were 120v on this model vs 220 today hence the need to start all cooking on HIGH! Did he selected heat level light up on the vertical control panel also probably really cool....hope somebody cool gets them be nice to see them installed into a new home.

Post# 702705 , Reply# 17   9/11/2013 at 14:35 (4,170 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture

These wide RadianTube burner elements had 2 separate elements in them that ran parallel to each other with a third return wire.  Through the 5 position heat switch 240 OR 120 volts were introduced across various combinations of the elements.  On this particular set, the 8" unit would consume 2050 watts when both elements were connected to 240 volts in parallel and the 6" element would consume 1450 watts.  Here is the detail:

Post# 702711 , Reply# 18   9/11/2013 at 14:56 (4,170 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

danemodsandy's profile picture
As someone with a lot of experience with Ceran cooktops, I feel that these tops are easy to clean.

The catch is that one must actually clean them, and most people nowadays don't do that. The burned-on black circles at each burner position that David (capecodlaundry) alludes to are a common sight on these tops, but in my opinion, it's laziness, not a fault of the technology. Scratching can be minimized through the exercise of reasonable care, plus using the cleaner (which has silicones) daily; the silcones protect the surface to an extent.

If you get one of these ranges, you have to get the cleaner, and you have to use it. Any renter who doesn't should end up paying for the range, in my view.

Post# 702714 , Reply# 19   9/11/2013 at 15:10 (4,170 days old) by william637 (Damp pants? Not a chance. )        
I wish I had room to store the oven

william637's profile picture
But my basement is getting much fuller everyday.

I have contacted the seller about the flip-up units though. They are easy enough to store until I can figure out what to do with them. He has already responded and is willing to ship them. If we can work out a price, at least these will be saved.

Post# 702746 , Reply# 20   9/11/2013 at 19:09 (4,170 days old) by frigidaireguy (Wiston-Salem, NC)        
Flip Up Units

Hans (Norgeway) has a set of these

Post# 702812 , Reply# 21   9/12/2013 at 08:29 (4,169 days old) by bajaespuma (Connecticut)        

bajaespuma's profile picture

Thank you for the information and the diagrams. I learn so much from you guys.

Post# 702918 , Reply# 22   9/12/2013 at 15:54 (4,169 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
I have them..

And someday intend to use them, my hometown had 2 Frigidaire dealers so I saw many of these as a kid, the french door oven was to me, the best idea ever, its easier to use and to clean, and of course, it bakes great as all old Frigidaire ovens did.

Post# 703757 , Reply# 23   9/17/2013 at 20:45 (4,164 days old) by HooverWheelAway ()        
Live from the kitchen....

So, going back to the thing about the high and simmer settings being next to each other for a reason -- did GE do that same thing? Our range has always confused me... Is 3 hotter than 2? I think the manual state otherwise, but for some reason, it doesn't make much sense to me when I read it.

Post# 703760 , Reply# 24   9/17/2013 at 20:49 (4,164 days old) by HooverWheelAway ()        

Never mind... The manual does actually say that 2 is hotter than 3... Which is stupid. Shame on GE! LOL

Now that I look again, this is the part about the burners that confuses me.. To much to think about!

Post# 703771 , Reply# 25   9/17/2013 at 21:56 (4,164 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        

Old ranges were this way, I have seen several that 1 was hottest and 7 was coolest, makes no sense to me and I cant think of which brands were this way, I want to say some of the early Sears were.

Post# 703780 , Reply# 26   9/17/2013 at 22:26 (4,164 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        
About the burner settings...

philr's profile picture
Even with the infinite switches and the slightly faster-to-heat two-wire Radiantubes that go with them, I often start mine on high at first when I want them to heat more quickly. Otherwise, the infinite switch will cycle them off before the cookware has reached the desired temperature (with the exception of the "Speed Heat" which I have on only one of my Frigidaire ranges).

And Fred, the reversed positions of the "2"and "3" settings on your range remind me the settings on the Enterprise range that my parents used to have. This one had infinite switches with "HI" and "SIM" but the numbers between them were a bit counterintuitive as "1" was the highest setting after "HI" and "9" was the lowest after "SIM"! Later versions of the same range had their knobs reprinted with numbers in the reverse order, which was more intuitive!

Other weird counterintuitive settings were those on the cold controls on most old Frigidaire fridges like ours!

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