Thread Number: 485
Maytag A208
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Post# 48957   11/9/2004 at 21:16 (7,398 days old) by petebldg9 ()        

Does anyone have recommendations on manuals I can use to help me restore this machine? Luckily, I'm finding that there are a ton of factory parts available on the internet, as this seems to have been one of Maytag's most popular models.

Also (and I know I'm a ways off from this), does anyone have recommendations on cleaning solutions to use on the various surfaces of this machine in the cosmetic restoration? It seems like the inner tub and agitator could benefit from a light buffing/waxing with car polish...but I don't want to harm the surface. Is this safe?


Post# 48966 , Reply# 1   11/10/2004 at 05:29 (7,397 days old) by drmitch ()        

Hi Pete, Most cleaners and plolishes for cars work great on appliances. I took my control panel apart to paint it but I wouldn`t recomend it, because of the plastic prongs on the back tend to break off when putting the nuts back on. I used krylon spray paint and it worked well. Enjoy your Maytag! Don

Post# 48968 , Reply# 2   11/10/2004 at 07:34 (7,397 days old) by gregm ()        

I have always started out with mild dish soap and a rag to clean an agitator or the inner tub, which if porcelain should clean up fine, unless the "shiny" glaze is worn off, otherwise if the inner tub is white and discolored, I have also used "CLR" and that worked very well too .......... anything remotely abrasive can be damaging especially to the console ...........

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