Thread Number: 48551
42" SS Chambers Gas Cook-Top
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Post# 703455   9/15/2013 at 20:00 (3,967 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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I picked up a 1977-79 Chambers gas cook-top with the { in the top broiler and griddle ] and it has electric spark ignition, it is in good condition and works but as always could use some minor detailing. It is SS with four cast iron Daisy burners and factory dark blue porcelain drip bowls and is set for natural gas.


Let me know if anyone is interested, it can go for anything over scrap value or it can join the SQ Ultra-Mate that I scrapped yesterday.

Post# 703535 , Reply# 1   9/16/2013 at 09:47 (3,966 days old) by firedome (Binghamton NY & Lake Champlain VT)        
Would that be...

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Model MT-42-C? This should be the later version with the burner knobs in triangular staggered arrangement rather than all in a row. Nice and well built units even though Chambers had been sold off to Rangeaire in the '60s, with the improved Plane of Flame Super Daisy burners that are superior to earlier types, and electronic rather than pilot ignition... great to cook on and well worth saving (we already have several earlier ones upgraded to POF burners). Don't know if igniter parts are still available? John, if you have to scrap it - hopefully someone will give it a home - save the POFs, they are in demand for cooktop upgrades by some of the denizens of ... can you post some pics?

Post# 703536 , Reply# 2   9/16/2013 at 09:52 (3,966 days old) by firedome (Binghamton NY & Lake Champlain VT)        
Oh and....

firedome's profile picture
forgot to mention the RF burner is thermostatically controlled... those parts are also sought, Don Mattera in RI, one of the Chambers repair gurus, usually needs them. He stockpiles other parts as well. Repair reuse recycle!

Post# 703649 , Reply# 3   9/17/2013 at 05:50 (3,965 days old) by Playpen ()        
Chambers MT-42-C

Do you have a picture of this particular Chambers? I may be interested. Thx

Post# 703655 , Reply# 4   9/17/2013 at 07:49 (3,965 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
42" Chambers CT

combo52's profile picture

Hi Roger, Thanks for your suggestion about the Chambers guy in RI, I called him and he said he would take it for parts but did not want to pay for having it shipped. So it is still available, or it might eventually get dropped off in RI.


This Chambers being from the time period of 1977-9 does not have an automatic surface burner, I think all manufacturers stopped these sometime in the early 1970s. GE was one of the few that kept an automatic burner on their TOL Americana Hi-Low range and one built-in cook-top into the early 1980s. I always thought it was such a shame that range manufacturers did not put  this great feature  on 2, 3 or even better yet all four burners, if they had done this people would have learned to use them rather than it just being the one odd burner.


Can anyone imagine how many burned meals would been prevented, how many more great cooks would have been around and most of all how many tea kettles and other pieces of cookware would have been saved not to even mention the thousands of kitchens and complete homes that  would have been saved from fires if this great convenience would have become commonplace.


Playpin, I will try to get a picture on line but it may not happen for a few days, if you need any information sooner E mail me, John.

Post# 703674 , Reply# 5   9/17/2013 at 12:22 (3,965 days old) by firedome (Binghamton NY & Lake Champlain VT)        
odd... I have the brochure dated 1/76...

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and it shows and describes the thermostatic burner in the picture of that model, perhaps it was phased out around then? Or maybe a model was available without it.
In any event these are excellent gas cooktops, as good as any ever made imo.

Post# 703715 , Reply# 6   9/17/2013 at 17:57 (3,965 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
Gas thermostatic vs Electric,

I had a old Caloric once that had a thermostatic burner that actually worked, all the electrics I had with one i ended up replacing the switch to make it infinite heat,, The Norge has one that I am going to change soon, i dont intend to burn up all my good cookware with the damnable thing! I would love to use one that operated correctly,the Norge unit called a "Meal Minder" is either 10000000 degrees or off!

Post# 703851 , Reply# 7   9/18/2013 at 09:26 (3,964 days old) by firedome (Binghamton NY & Lake Champlain VT)        
seems the electrics

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of the "hydralic" type are quite dependable, whereas electronic types, not so much.
John would know best.

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