Thread Number: 48575
looking for a frigidaire 1-18 washer for sale
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Post# 703962   9/18/2013 at 23:10 (3,964 days old) by kenmorewasher10 ()        

hi i'm looking for a frigidaire 1-18 washer for sale hope you could help me and could you post some pictures too

Post# 703979 , Reply# 1   9/19/2013 at 00:48 (3,963 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

philr's profile picture
It's a bit far from you but here's a set currently for sale on this website.


Post# 704036 , Reply# 2   9/19/2013 at 09:49 (3,963 days old) by kenmorewasher10 ()        
thank you

thank you but i'm looking for one nearby like as in phoenix

Post# 704039 , Reply# 3   9/19/2013 at 10:04 (3,963 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
we hope you good luck with that....but all too many times many of us had to croos state lines, or across the whole country to find a machine we are searching for, its the nature of our interest....then again, one could pop up in your's the gamble we all take....keep searching

Happy Hunting!

Post# 704130 , Reply# 4   9/19/2013 at 17:32 (3,963 days old) by kenmorewasher10 ()        
you know you guys can post pictures on this thread

you know you guys can post pictures on this thread because I don't like to click on the links they take like 5-10 seconds to load I'm not being harsh I'm just saying that you guys can post pictures on here
and I'm looking for one nearby like as in phoenix and not ones that are too far away
again I'm not being harsh I'm just looking for one nearby like as in phoenix and not too far away

Post# 704144 , Reply# 5   9/19/2013 at 19:32 (3,963 days old) by countryford (Austin, MN)        

countryford's profile picture
Typically people will post pictures if the link they are posting is of a craigslist or ebay ad. Mainly if you just post the link of those locations eventually the link will lead to nowhere(the ad has ben removed). So people will ad a photo as well for the archives. If they are linking to another post on this site, they tend to not ad a photo.
Also don't worry about doing a duplicate post. It happens from time to time.

Post# 704159 , Reply# 6   9/19/2013 at 20:51 (3,963 days old) by kenmorewasher10 ()        
thank you justin

thank you for telling me that justin oh and how old are you because I'm 18

Post# 704176 , Reply# 7   9/20/2013 at 00:11 (3,963 days old) by countryford (Austin, MN)        

countryford's profile picture
I just turned 30. I have a couple Frigidaire's but they are from the 50's. Also have some Kenmore's from the 50's and 60's.

Post# 704299 , Reply# 8   9/20/2013 at 18:18 (3,962 days old) by kenmorewasher10 ()        
we are 13 years apart

we are 13 years apart can you believe that. I was born in 1995 and were you born in 1983 and how old were you when I was born? were you thirteen or fourteen when I was born on may 11, 1995

Post# 704313 , Reply# 9   9/20/2013 at 19:20 (3,962 days old) by countryford (Austin, MN)        

countryford's profile picture
Since my birthday is September 9th(just passed). I would have been 11 when you were born in May.

Post# 704330 , Reply# 10   9/20/2013 at 21:28 (3,962 days old) by kenmorewasher10 ()        
where were you born

I was born in phoenix az. at 5:00 in the morning
where and what time were you born

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