Thread Number: 48584
Recommendation for Outdoor Compact Beverage Refrigerator
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Post# 704057   9/19/2013 at 11:54 (4,139 days old) by gredmondson (San Francisco, California 94117 USA)        

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Do any of you have a recommendation for an outdoor, compact, beverage refrigerator? This is for a home in Burlingame, CA, a pretty temperate area. I am looking for a combination of quality and value. It is going to be part of a BBQ set up, but it will be freestanding, not built-in.



Post# 704074 , Reply# 1   9/19/2013 at 14:22 (4,139 days old) by twintubdexter (Palm Springs)        

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Many people here have outdoor kitchens with a fridge. The ones I've seen made by Viking and GE/Monogram are nice but they cost a fortune. Here where summer temps can go beyond 120 degrees I would imagine the poor compressor wouldn't cycle off for very long. You are fortunate to live in a comfortable mild climate.

At $500 this is cheap provided you're part "Second-Hand Rose."

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Post# 704075 , Reply# 2   9/19/2013 at 14:25 (4,139 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

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George, how many cubic feet should the capacity be?  My office fridge is an 80's vintage GE that measures 33" tall, 18" wide and 21" deep.  It's used primarily to store 12 oz. beverage cans and holds at least a case.  It also has a nice work surface on top.


I'm not suggesting a vintage model for your application, but there are many makes to choose from these days in that same size, although I think I read somewhere that they all originate from a single manufacturer, likely in China.  I don't know how they'd hold up outside.


If the fridge is going to be exposed to the elements, be those what they may in the rather weatherless Bay Area, you might look into something from U-Line, which may include free-standing models designed for outdoor use with a focus on beverages, thereby removing things like crisper drawers from the interior layout in favor of providing more space for cans or bottles.



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