Thread Number: 48620
Maytag A207
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Post# 704430   9/21/2013 at 13:49 (3,961 days old) by paganinia ()        

Retired this Maytag A207 pictured below last week. Had several problems:
For about last 5 years, a minor small water puddle accumulated behind the machine after using for several continuous loads.
Within last few months, tub would start filling with rinse water before even half the wash water had drained indicating timer was out of sync.
The final straw was, the timer would not stop at the end of the normal cycle and the Permanent Press cycle would start if you didn’t catch it.
Figured I’d take a look at the timer first to see if anything obvious, but quickly gave up and have new machine now. In such condition, my plan is to dismantle it in October and scrap/part it out, etc. Thought to offer it here for about a week or so first in the off chance someone can make use of it. If you want to pick it up in Walnut Creek, CA and give me about $20 for the scrap value it’s yours. Please respond below or PM me with name, phone, and a good time to call to make arrangements.

Post# 704431 , Reply# 1   9/21/2013 at 13:52 (3,961 days old) by paganinia ()        

More pics of washer and manual that goes with it


Post# 704434 , Reply# 2   9/21/2013 at 13:56 (3,961 days old) by paganinia ()        

Looks like the : got lost

Post# 704540 , Reply# 3   9/21/2013 at 22:47 (3,961 days old) by hippiedoll ( arizona )        
parting out this maytag A207........

hippiedoll's profile picture
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thank you,
hippiedoll ;o)

Post# 708804 , Reply# 4   10/12/2013 at 14:15 (3,940 days old) by paganinia ()        
washer gone, manual available

hippiedoll was fortunately able to make good use of the agitator on a similar washer, rest of my washer sent to trash. I have retained the A207 manual in case there's interest in the future.

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