Thread Number: 48637
WOW 1956 Frigidaire Dishwasher/Sink Combo
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Post# 704651   9/22/2013 at 15:18 (4,089 days old) by xpanam (Palm Springs California )        

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$50.00 Its yelling save me!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO xpanam's LINK on eBay

Post# 704661 , Reply# 1   9/22/2013 at 15:40 (4,089 days old) by retromania (Anderson, South Carolina)        

I LOVE that!!! A bit too far away though. Wonder what the original faucets looked like ?!

Post# 704667 , Reply# 2   9/22/2013 at 15:49 (4,089 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

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Paging dishwashercrazy!!

Post# 704669 , Reply# 3   9/22/2013 at 15:51 (4,089 days old) by bluejay (Havre de Grace, MD)        

bluejay's profile picture
That there is a thing of beauty. I wish it were closer, as it matches our stove!

Post# 704671 , Reply# 4   9/22/2013 at 15:59 (4,089 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

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It's not likely to be original, I know, but that Delta single-control faucet is actually appropriate in terms of the time frame. I have old magazines from 1955 showing Delta ads, and the faucet photo in them looks identical to that one.

Post# 704675 , Reply# 5   9/22/2013 at 16:22 (4,089 days old) by retromania (Anderson, South Carolina)        

You're telling me something I didn't know. I did not realize "stick" type faucets sets were available that long ago. It doesn't look bad. I was just curious what it came with. I am purist in that regard.

Post# 704683 , Reply# 6   9/22/2013 at 16:42 (4,089 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

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Oh, I wish it was closer to me!

Post# 704718 , Reply# 7   9/22/2013 at 17:55 (4,089 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

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It seems to have taken Delta single-control faucets a long time to "take off" - those mid-1950s ads I've seen are little ads in the back of Better Homes & Gardens and American Home, among other publications. I'm sure you've seen this kind of ad in vintage mags, for all sorts of specialty products for the home. From the modest ad size, I'm assuming that they started small, and word got around about the convenience of the faucets from there, turning them into a bigger company.

The Delta Faucet Website gives 1954 as the date for the introduction of their single-handle faucet. The 1950s ads I've seen show them looking identical to today's, though I'm sure there were differences that aren't visible.

I know single-handle Deltas are certainly my own preference - except when it comes time to rebuild one with new O-rings, LOL.

This post was last edited 09/22/2013 at 18:45
Post# 704821 , Reply# 8   9/23/2013 at 07:35 (4,089 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

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Very nice - the Frigidaire Stratford Yellow is darker than sunny pastel yellow of other makers and can look more gold so this may not match if put with another brand.  


The faucet on the unit now is not a Delta but one of the less expensive look-alikes from Peerless.  The Deltas had a ball-type end on the handle and the Peerless had the flat top handle like this.  The Peerless wasn't a bad faucet necessarily but this one does look like it needs some work judging by the hard water stains around the handle and base.

Post# 704832 , Reply# 9   9/23/2013 at 07:58 (4,089 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

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A closer look proves you right - that's a Peerless.

Just so's everyone should know - Peerless is also owned by Masco, parent company of Delta, and the same O-ring kit fits both brands.

One thing I really enjoy about these faucets is the replacement parts availability. You can even get the deck seal as a replacement part; this is that black vinyl gasket that goes between the faucet base and the sink deck. Some brands don't make that available, as a means of obsoleting their products.

Post# 704834 , Reply# 10   9/23/2013 at 08:06 (4,089 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        
Pebbles and sand on tap!

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We have such horrible hard water here, I've never had a faucet worth saving once it began to weep water from the valve.  They usually look worse than they function so once the functioning becomes an issue, it was time for a whole new unit.  Deltas were a bit heavier and more durable, so if even only haphazardly cared for, so they fared a bit better.   The Peerless was a little more common in apartments and rentals and inexpensive enough that when the minerals and lime took out the unit, it was easier to chuck the whole thing and replace.   I wish they still made the Delta ball-handle model, a classic look that meant quality.

Post# 704851 , Reply# 11   9/23/2013 at 09:46 (4,089 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Ads for early Hotpoint electric sinks usually featured a single control faucet.

One of our members here has or had a Frigidaire dishwasher of this vintage and vouched that in spite of all of the preheating and heating in the cycle, the machine did not clean real soil off real dishes. As a fantasy piece, it is lovely and substantial.

Post# 704893 , Reply# 12   9/23/2013 at 14:28 (4,088 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

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The Delta model I think of as the closest to the original is still available; it's the Model 420LF, in chrome with a sprayer. Here's a link to the Delta product page:

Delta makes several variations on this model now, including high-rise spouts, and a model where the sprayer is built into the faucet's deck, for sinks without a sprayer hole or ones where the sprayer hole is desired for another purpose.

Post# 704897 , Reply# 13   9/23/2013 at 14:35 (4,088 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
P.S., Greg:

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If you have stubborn lime deposits that aren't removed quickly by CLR or Lime-Away, try this magic potion: Mix Naval Jelly (hardware store or auto department at Menards) with Zud Cleanser (hardware store or Walmart) until a thick paste is formed. Brush on, allow to sit, scrub with a blue Scotchbrite scrubber as needed. This is pretty magical, and extremely effective on stubborn lime rings in toilets.

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