Thread Number: 48661
Bendix autowasher 1000 and dryer for sale
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Post# 704945   9/23/2013 at 16:54 (4,038 days old) by hotpoint_42 ()        

Hey everyone!
Its been a very long time since I posted anything on here, (been reading of course) but with regret I am selling my machines . I am moving and downsizing so everything has to go. The Bendix dryer has NEVER been used and the washing machine has been used a couple of times by me.
both are in very good condition but the dryer drum is stiff due to not been used for nearly 15 years or so I think. i have the original pipes for the washer and manuals somewhere but i will dig them out and add more pictures if anybody is interested. I also have an electra 900 (servis quartez)full working order. zanussi studio compact washer, creda compact 3 dryer. hotpoint 9605 working order. hoover washer drier energy control - interlock brocken but machine still works but the door wont shut - parts maybe. x2 bendix super compact machines. please send me an email if you need any more information. I don't have any prices just make me offer - not looking for much i just need to get everything out asap. many thanks Amar

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