Thread Number: 48672
Kenmore Limited Edition Washer and Dryer - $275 (N - FW)
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Post# 705032   9/23/2013 at 23:02 (4,003 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

ovrphil's profile picture
These don't seem to come up too often - and the last ones were a coffee color. A gas dryer wouldn't work for me.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO ovrphil's LINK on Fortwayne Craigslist

Post# 705037 , Reply# 1   9/23/2013 at 23:37 (4,003 days old) by retropia ()        

I like this set; if I didn't have my Kitchenaid top-loader, I'd be interested in a set like this.

This is a direct-drive with the dual-action agitator, correct? Does anyone know how many agitation speeds this offers?

I'm also curious if the dispensers (detergent/bleach/fabric softener) are like the Kitchenaid and flush clean with water, or if they periodically have to be cleaned out by hand.

Post# 705055 , Reply# 2   9/24/2013 at 04:17 (4,003 days old) by washdaddy (Baltimore)        

That machine does have the D.A. agitator. As far as speeds- it will depend on the number of cycles that machine offers. I use to own a similar model (all white) back in the early 90's til about 05. My machine had a 4x3 group of cycle keys not the 3x3 that this machine has. Can't tell which cycles this one doesn't have that mine did. Agitation speeds I would figure possibly machine had four (reg, med, low, int. low) along with three spin speeds (determined by the cycle you used).

The dispensers do flush out with water. The detergent dispenser can handle both liquid or dry depending on what your using. Detergents got dispensed into the tub as soon as the wash portion of the cycle started. Presoak and prewash (if you set these options, machine could advance into wash) you add into the tub and load dispenser for the beginning of the wash cycle. Bleach got dispensed during the last four min. of the wash, fabric softener got dispensed once the washer filled and started agitating during the rinse cycle. Occasionally you would have to take out the dispenser parts and wash them even though the machine rinsed out the dispensers during there appropriate times.

The one feature I really miss about that machine is that you could delay start the washer for up to 9 hours. The presoak could be set for 99 min. So essentially you could fool the machine by filling the washer and let it start with what you wanted to soak. Once the machine started, you would turn the machine off and reset it to presoak for 99min. then advance it into it's whatever cycle you wanted and finish and load the dispensers accordingly and tell the machine to delay for up to 9 hours. Overnight soaking made easy...set it up...go to bed that night...wake up the following morning to the washer being finished.

Plus all the options...Presoak, prewash, 2nd rinse, or wrinkle guard could be added to whatever cycle you wanted to. And the machine adjusted the speeds accordingly.


Post# 705103 , Reply# 3   9/24/2013 at 11:18 (4,003 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

ovrphil's profile picture
washdaddy - interesting info...would like to use your link, but it's a dead-ender. Can you please post a good link? Thanks! :-)

Post# 705116 , Reply# 4   9/24/2013 at 13:33 (4,003 days old) by washdaddy (Baltimore)        

I don't have a link. When I submitted my post to the thread a link showed up and I don't know how it got attached. I'm not a premium member so I couldn't delete the link off of it. Sorry for the confusion.

Post# 705121 , Reply# 5   9/24/2013 at 14:03 (4,003 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
I have that same set.

whirlykenmore78's profile picture

The washer is a 2 speed direct drive machine.  The dispensers do flush with clean water. 


Post# 705132 , Reply# 6   9/24/2013 at 14:38 (4,003 days old) by retropia ()        

Thanks for all the information! Now I know.

It's nice that it can be setup to automatically advance from presoak/prewash into regular wash. That isn't an option on my Kitchenaid.

Post# 705160 , Reply# 7   9/24/2013 at 18:09 (4,003 days old) by washdaddy (Baltimore)        

Regardless of how many speeds, or cycles it has- with the optional bells and whistles it still a sweet machine to have.

As I said earlier I had mine for 15 yrs. than gave it to my brother to use for his family. They used it for another 5 yrs. before going to a HE FL model.

Whoever gets those machines will be very happy with them. :)

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