Thread Number: 48782
Incinerator for sale
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Post# 706590   10/1/2013 at 14:03 (4,023 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
wasn't this just discussed in another thread?......I didn't think they still existed...could be interesting.....

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Yogitunes's LINK on Newhaven Craigslist

Post# 706624 , Reply# 1   10/1/2013 at 17:09 (4,023 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

We knew a family that had one of these in Ottawa, Illinois when I was a kid. Their's was sort of a brown color outside. I liked one brand name, Calcinator. I wonder what were the most important factors in their decreasing popularity. Recent attempts to increase recycling would be a factor, but I wonder how well they handled plastic. Glass could not go in, nor most metal, I guess.

Here is a link with more than you would ever want to know about domestic gas incinerators.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Tomturbomatic's LINK

Post# 706630 , Reply# 2   10/1/2013 at 17:41 (4,023 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Incinerator Decline

launderess's profile picture
Along with the other popular way of dealing with rubbish, open burning, more likely were victims of air quality concern. This would get a big push with the passage of the Clean Air Act.

Growing up in the 1970's well remember many large apartment complexes and housing estates had their own incinerators as did many residential multi-family buildings. Going to school early mornings you would see metal trash bins filled with ashes from incinerators. These pre-dated my existence by decades and one probably could still purchase them new. However by the 1980's they were long gone. As was burning leaves and other refuse in open fires.

NYS/NYC didn't ban incinerators per se IIUC, but made regulations to operate so onerous it was cheaper for buildings simply to take them out of service.

There are still a few incinerators around the NY/NJ/Conn tri-state area but they are all fall under stricter new air quality controls. NYC tried to float the idea of building such modern contraption a few years back to deal with the ever persistent rubbish problem on the theory it was cheaper to burn much of the City's rubbish than haul it out on barges/trains/trucks to landfills out of state. This became especially true as the stuff had to be sent further past NJ to find states willing to accept/had landfill space for our rubbish. However the usual suspects got involved and the plan was scrapped.

Being as all this may IIRC some of NYC's waste goes to NJ where it is burned to make energy.


Post# 706631 , Reply# 3   10/1/2013 at 17:45 (4,023 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Incinerators & Plastic....

launderess's profile picture
Many NYC buildings still have incinerator chutes (these now lead to holding containers where rubbish is gathered and placed into bags, or compacted), and on each door there are metal plates with strict instructions as to what can and cannot be placed down chutes.

Plastic was not as common then as it is today but IIRC it is included in the verboten items. Along with waste sweepings, combustibles, spray cans, anything used that came into contact with potential combustibles (floor or furniture polish, petrol and or it's products, etc...).

Post# 706642 , Reply# 4   10/1/2013 at 18:55 (4,023 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
Re Burning leaves...etc

We still burn leaves and brush out in the open, its legal as long as you are not in the city., then you must get a permit.

Post# 706676 , Reply# 5   10/1/2013 at 22:39 (4,023 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        
Looks exactly like ours

ovrphil's profile picture
wow, this is what we used til Berkley, Mi banned burning of garbage with incinerators. It was great. We could heat our basement in the winter. At least we can burn leaves and twigs til some time in April, typically. If it's a very dry season, restrictions arise. This is a time warp, looking at this incinerator! I emptied many a container of ash...for many years. I wonder where these are still commonly used?

Post# 706698 , Reply# 6   10/2/2013 at 02:43 (4,023 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

Factors of the good by to home trash burners-Yes mostly from the clean air laws.And yes,the increased amount of plastic waste-bad idea to burn this unless in an incenerator designed for this waste.Then the development of higher compaction trash trucks-this made incineration unnecessary at the home.I do remember Morse Boldger incinerators at an apartment building I used to live in.Its feed chute under the trash chutes were replaced by RL trash truck dumpsters.There used to be a Morse Boldger unit here at my workplace-the unit has long been removed-used to remember the stench of it when fired up in the morning years ago.Now the site is served by a trash service with a FL trash truck and dumpster.

Post# 706707 , Reply# 7   10/2/2013 at 05:13 (4,023 days old) by whirlcool (Just North Of Houston, Texas)        

For me it's not fall unless the smell of burning leaves is in the air.

Post# 706713 , Reply# 8   10/2/2013 at 06:09 (4,023 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

I don't have leaves in the fall in my yard-just that HATEFUL pine straw-have to go over it a few times to mulch it with a mower-some of it is placed around the bases of trees-yes,do miss the smell of burnt leaves-so long ago-like when I was a kid.Us and the neighbors burning huge piles of leaves after the kids rompted in them.Was fun!

Post# 706724 , Reply# 9   10/2/2013 at 07:38 (4,022 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
we had a small incinerator at the bank I worked at, all of our trash from the tellers, and certain departments with any kind of sensitive customer information was saved for 7 days in bins, and then a days its just shredded...

it also was hooked to a generator for backup power should the lights go kept the computers running.....

Post# 706744 , Reply# 10   10/2/2013 at 10:04 (4,022 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Pine straw is the perfect mulch for azaleas and camellias. We used to go out and pick up what people raked to the curb when I lived in the Atlanta area. We also had to rake it from our yard before mowing and distribute it in the beds of the aforementioned plants.

Post# 706808 , Reply# 11   10/2/2013 at 16:00 (4,022 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

The Jr. High-High school I went to had an incinerator near the kitchen area. Many times when the classroom windows were open, the smoke would blow in. This resulted in having to the close the windows.

One time the custodian accidently put an aerosol can into the unit. Don't know if the latch wasn't closed properly or what, but the door blew open with the burning trash falling out onto the floor. It set off the sprinkler in that room (one of the few areas of the building with a sprinkler system), resulting in the fire alarm being activated, evacuating the school. It was warm weather, so we didn't mind being outside for an hour or so.

Post# 706831 , Reply# 12   10/2/2013 at 17:03 (4,022 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
To Some Old Timers

launderess's profile picture
Increase in rats and other vermin started when NYC apartment and other buildings were forbidden to burn rubbish daily.

To compensate for the removal of burning rubbish, NYC increased sanitation collections to three times per week in much of the city (every other day), but that still means trash is stored in or around the building for at least a day, sometimes two (weekends). If there is some sort of weather event such as a snow storm that calls the sanitation department's resources elsewhere, it could be days or weeks before normal collection resumes. All that time that rubbish is sitting, rotting and attracting rodents.

The other thing is the move away from metal rubbish bins to simply throwing bin liners full of trash onto the street. Many buildings do not even keep rubbish stored in metal bins on property, just stacked in bags. This has much to do with building design and or workers. Many apartment buildings do not have direct access to basements from the street. So rubbish and anything else in the basements has to be hauled up through the main lobby.

IIRC many City residents didn't like the old metal cans because of the noise created early morning or late at night as the things were banged about during collection. Then there is that NYC moved to compacting rubbish trucks with two men crews. While enough persons still place cans/containers of rubbish out that require dragging by one or two men to be emptied into the truck, a vast majority is in bin liners which is simply "flung" like footballs.

To deal with large amounts of rubbish between rubbish days many larger NYC buildings have installed compactors. However if they aren't kept clean and well sealed vermin are attracted there as well. And of course placing compacted rubbish into bin liners does not totally solve the problem of rodents getting at them.

Growing up we too could always tell when an incinerator in the area was fired up; can still remember the smell. Yes, remember the whiff of burning leaves as well. Every now and then someone doing *that* would either be careless and or the wind would change and a fire from minor to major scale would break out. Especially if the weather had been dry and there was *tinder* nearby that could be ignited by flying embers.

Speaking of old things in NYC apartment buildings, many still have their old coal fired furnaces/boilers. You know the ones with those huge metal doors that looked like something that belonged on a steam locomotive or ship.

Over the years all have been converted to burn oil. Originally it was the ghastly "bunker fuel" grade which was the lowest and most dirtiest (but cheap) oil for heating, but some buildings did upgrade to better quality of heating oil. About a year or so ago NYC began a program to finally ban the burning of cheaper grades of heating oil in order to deal with soot/particulate matter. This was seen as an air and health quality issue. In our own area of the UES for instance large numbers of buildings still burned that nasty cheap "bunker fuel".

Post# 706938 , Reply# 13   10/3/2013 at 02:20 (4,022 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

A high school I went to had a large incinerator-had to empty the wood dust from the cyclone dust and chip collector into it-the building engineer showed me how to load and start it-had to be careful with the dust-it could flare out at you when dumpted in.You had to shut off the incinerator blower and burner before loading the dust in-same with paper scrap from proms and such.Can you imagine allowing students to use the school incinerators today?Bet not!!

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