Thread Number: 48792
Antique Norge refrigerator early 50s |
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Post# 706677   10/1/2013 at 22:49 (4,127 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )   |   | |
"I have for sale in Norge product of Borg Warner customatic refrigerator.this piece is from the early 50's and is fully functional.the handles are very security zine featuring a push button opening mechanism.the overall condition is good with the exception of two minor rust spots. "
CLICK HERE TO GO TO ovrphil's LINK on Milwaukee Craigslist |
Post# 706735 , Reply# 1   10/2/2013 at 08:31 (4,127 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)   |   | |
....It's from the later '50s; those marquise-oval handles are the major clue. The interior is also later than early-'50s; the door shelves, the blue liner and the convenience features are the giveaway.
It looks to me like a '57 or '58 model, not TOL, where they were updating the look of the line as much as possible to try to compete against Frigidaire's Sheer Look and GE's Straight-Line Design. |
Post# 706832 , Reply# 2   10/2/2013 at 17:04 (4,127 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)   |   | |
Post# 707142 , Reply# 3   10/4/2013 at 05:43 (4,125 days old) by jeb (Mansfield Ohiio)   |   | |
That is the refrigerator I grew up with. You have to push in the black part of the handle to open the door. I remember my mom defrosting it by putting the electric skillet in the freezer. jeb |