Thread Number: 48873
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Post# 707869   10/8/2013 at 03:13 (3,944 days old) by electron1100 (England)        

electron1100's profile picture

Post# 707871 , Reply# 1   10/8/2013 at 03:26 (3,944 days old) by electron1100 (England)        
Servis Compact

electron1100's profile picture
Post# 709069 , Reply# 2   10/13/2013 at 16:29 (3,939 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield, East Midlands, UK)        
Logic 1300

vacbear58's profile picture
Post# 709203 , Reply# 3   10/14/2013 at 03:11 (3,938 days old) by electron1100 (England)        
Unusual Hoover Dryer

electron1100's profile picture
Post# 709406 , Reply# 4   10/15/2013 at 05:52 (3,937 days old) by mattywashboy (Perth, Western Australia)        

mattywashboy's profile picture
That is an australian model yes. These dryers are awesome! They dry really fast. Tell tale sign of its Oz origins is the Australian Energy Rating label down the bottom :-D

Post# 710627 , Reply# 5   10/21/2013 at 15:31 (3,931 days old) by creda17078 ()        
Hotpoint 95490 unsold on Ebay!!!

Too far for me to pick up as i'm in Hadfield Derbyshire but this is a cracking machine and I think somebody renovated one like this on this forum.

Has everybody missed it ?

CLICK HERE TO GO TO creda17078's LINK on eBay

Post# 712029 , Reply# 6   10/29/2013 at 03:03 (3,923 days old) by electron1100 (England)        
Classic Hoover Dryer

electron1100's profile picture
amazing when you think this dates back to the 1970s

CLICK HERE TO GO TO electron1100's LINK on eBay

Post# 712370 , Reply# 7   10/31/2013 at 03:19 (3,921 days old) by electron1100 (England)        
Servis Toploader

electron1100's profile picture
one of my favourite Servis washers

CLICK HERE TO GO TO electron1100's LINK on eBay

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