Thread Number: 48903
NIB Maytag *Wringer* Washer Lint Filter
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Post# 708240   10/9/2013 at 19:16 (3,943 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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Post# 708241 , Reply# 1   10/9/2013 at 19:21 (3,943 days old) by rockland1 ()        
Ha Ha

Some people just don't understand....

Post# 708242 , Reply# 2   10/9/2013 at 19:30 (3,943 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
could be wrong...I know there were filter agitators for the wringers.....but what would a wringer do with a softner dispenser?

Post# 708248 , Reply# 3   10/9/2013 at 20:17 (3,943 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

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It looks like a large capacity filter.  "Wringer" might get more hits on ebay from the Maytag collectors.

Post# 708288 , Reply# 4   10/10/2013 at 03:29 (3,942 days old) by redcarpetdrew (Fairfield, CA)        

redcarpetdrew's profile picture
This part that the sellers listing as well looks much more interesting! These do not grow on trees anymore...

N.O.S. Wringer drain hose!


CLICK HERE TO GO TO redcarpetdrew's LINK on eBay

Post# 708399 , Reply# 5   10/10/2013 at 14:27 (3,942 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

The Maytag wringer washer agitator lint filter had the flat top like the early lint filter agitators for automatics. It was stainless steel with a rubber-like gasket at the bottom. The lint filter agitator in wringer washers was discontinued before the turquoise agitators, at least I never saw a turquoise lint filter agitator for a wringer washer. I wonder if the tall turquoise filter could have the dispenser hole drilled out so that it would fit down over the narrow shaft wringer agitator and work about as well as it did in the barrel of a Power Fin.

The lint filter agitator in a wringer washer washer was not much more than a gimmick since by the time darks were washed, the water was so slippery with detergent that lint usually would not stick to anything as items were lifted out of the water toward the wringer.

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