Thread Number: 48917
Wow! A Beautiful '59 Sheer Frigidaire
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Post# 708494   10/10/2013 at 21:15 (4,118 days old) by bluejay (Havre de Grace, MD)        

bluejay's profile picture
This stove looks brand new! I feel like I'm cheating on our current '63 Frigidaire by eyeing this one so lustily, but damn it's pretty.

It appears to be an RDP-38-59. Hope this finds a new home! I wish it could find a new home here. :D

CLICK HERE TO GO TO bluejay's LINK on eBay

Post# 708496 , Reply# 1   10/10/2013 at 21:21 (4,118 days old) by bluejay (Havre de Grace, MD)        

bluejay's profile picture
I spliced the two photos of the control panel together for the archives.

Post# 708512 , Reply# 2   10/10/2013 at 22:17 (4,118 days old) by xpanam (Palm Springs California )        

xpanam's profile picture
That is one handsome stove!!!!

Post# 708672 , Reply# 3   10/11/2013 at 17:42 (4,117 days old) by whirlcool (Just North Of Houston, Texas)        

I can't believe it didn't sell for that very fair price of $100.

Post# 708690 , Reply# 4   10/11/2013 at 19:16 (4,117 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

philr's profile picture

There was a similar model produced later (1960-61 I think) in Canada. This one was for sale some time ago. 


Note that it has 1958-style knobs, a bake/broil selector, infinite switches (according to the subtle writing on the control panel!) and a different clock/timer...



Post# 708691 , Reply# 5   10/11/2013 at 19:17 (4,117 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

philr's profile picture

It also has a plain ribbed storage drawer...

Post# 709043 , Reply# 6   10/13/2013 at 13:47 (4,115 days old) by bluejay (Havre de Grace, MD)        

bluejay's profile picture
It's listed again. It has about 6 hours left on it. $100 seems more than fair for this.

I'm honestly surprised more people don't go for these vintage stoves; they're so much better built than new ones. Sure, they aren't self cleaning, but in all honesty, I haven't done anything to our stove that makes it a nightmare to clean.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO bluejay's LINK on eBay

Post# 709075 , Reply# 7   10/13/2013 at 17:17 (4,115 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

philr's profile picture

I guess they don't fit well next to a stainless fridge and dishwasher or most modern kitchens. And for most people, delivery (even if it's local!) can be an issue when it's not included in the purchase price!


If it would be a Custom Imperial of the same year and within a few hours drive from home, I'd be VERY tempted to buy it! 


I know there must be still some around as a few years ago, there was one featured in a locally-produced French-Canadian movie. One of my cars is also featured in it. 


Here's a still from it:

Post# 709076 , Reply# 8   10/13/2013 at 17:19 (4,115 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

philr's profile picture

I was there 3 days and my car was seen in just two or three very short scenes! Here's one of them! In another scene, it was shown in two different locations in the same scene!

This post was last edited 10/13/2013 at 17:35
Post# 709077 , Reply# 9   10/13/2013 at 17:21 (4,115 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

philr's profile picture

Here's one more shot at the 1959 Custom Imperial range. Note that it's a Canadian model as it lacks the "Speed Heat". I think the 1958 models still had it. 

Post# 709108 , Reply# 10   10/13/2013 at 18:51 (4,115 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
I actually prefer..

The pre 1960 Deluxe ranges, no speed heat or heat minder to get out of they all seem to get, and I much prefer the 5 heat 3 wire units,as the infinite heat controls age they drift, with the 5 position, you get exactly the same heat always.I had that same 59 model range and like a fool let a friend talk me out of it, I would love to have another one, it baked great.

Post# 709122 , Reply# 11   10/13/2013 at 20:08 (4,115 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

philr's profile picture
The 1959 Deluxe in the eBay link in the first post above does have a Speed Heat. They also had it in 1957 and some 1958-59.

See below the second knob:

Post# 709141 , Reply# 12   10/13/2013 at 20:41 (4,115 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
You are right,,,

I dont know why, but the one I had did not have it...its great as long as it works, the one on my Norge works, but the "Meal Sentry" automatic ubit is an irritation,I would love to use one that worked just once.

Post# 709179 , Reply# 13   10/13/2013 at 23:26 (4,115 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

philr's profile picture
Strangely, I think that Frigidaire Canada went back to 5 heat switches on many ranges in the mid-sixties and all their free standing and even their Compact 30 ranges in 1967. At least, that's what my documents suggest (one single part number for all 4 burner switches on some models...). I currently have more info on pre-1966 models but I hope to find more about the late-production models soon!

I'll have to verify that as I know someone who has a late-1960s Compact 30!

Post# 709269 , Reply# 14   10/14/2013 at 10:46 (4,114 days old) by bluejay (Havre de Grace, MD)        

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I love our Speed Heat burner; we got rid of our microwave in 2006, so it's nice to have a burner that fires up so quickly. I do worry about when it inevitably goes out though, seeing as replacements are rarer than hen's teeth.

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