Thread Number: 48961
Lady Kenmore coppertone garage-door washer-dryer
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Post# 709050   10/13/2013 at 14:30 (4,138 days old) by retropia ()        

This set is listed for sale on Craigslist in the Dallas area, as part of a set of coppertone appliances.

It is interesting to see the different shades of coppertone in the different appliances, when you see them side-by-side.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO retropia's LINK on Dallas Craigslist

Post# 709051 , Reply# 1   10/13/2013 at 14:33 (4,138 days old) by retropia ()        
Another photo

It wasn't completely obvious to me in the first photo if the washer was a match to the dryer, but I think it is easier to tell in this photo.

I do wish sellers wouldn't plop appliances on top of other appliances, especially since it is obvious in the ad he is trying to attract collectors.

Post# 709101 , Reply# 2   10/13/2013 at 18:35 (4,138 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

A lot of money, for a couple of questionable units.

Post# 709106 , Reply# 3   10/13/2013 at 18:47 (4,138 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
The Mismatch:

danemodsandy's profile picture
I think the reason for the slightly different shades of Coppertone and other vintage appliance colors was that it was an attempt to keep a customer in the "family." If Sears didn't match Westinghouse exactly, then a persnickety customer was a little more likely to buy all their majors from one company or the other, instead of mixing and matching.

Only customers choosing White got to do that freely back in the day.

Post# 709389 , Reply# 4   10/15/2013 at 02:51 (4,137 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

Yes,bad idea to put the cooktop on the top of thew dryer.It could have been placed on the ground or floor in front.

Post# 709716 , Reply# 5   10/16/2013 at 18:07 (4,135 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

I never liked the Whirlpool/Kenmore Coppertone near as well as GE's. The Frigidaire Coppertone is an excellent match to the GE. I don't remember Whirlpool's Turquoise, Avocado or Harvest to be "off" from the others.

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