Thread Number: 48983
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Post# 709453   10/15/2013 at 13:28 (3,937 days old) by Mich (Hells Kitchen - New York)        

mich's profile picture

Which one of you listed this? :P

Post# 709502 , Reply# 1   10/15/2013 at 16:26 (3,937 days old) by redcarpetdrew (Fairfield, CA)        

redcarpetdrew's profile picture
Couldn't have been one of us. No one here would have parted with it...


Post# 709512 , Reply# 2   10/15/2013 at 16:58 (3,937 days old) by Mich (Hells Kitchen - New York)        
One can purchase...

mich's profile picture

a 24 box case online, for like $60. 


I just had a *feeling* a fellow member here posted it, consider there eBay screename was "awfanatic"...

This post was last edited 10/15/2013 at 17:32
Post# 709517 , Reply# 3   10/15/2013 at 17:42 (3,937 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
Not me.

whirlykenmore78's profile picture

I use Institutional Cascade.


Post# 709523 , Reply# 4   10/15/2013 at 18:14 (3,937 days old) by pdub (Portland, Oregon)        

pdub's profile picture
Have you heard anything about the Institutional Formula of Cascade also becoming phosphate-free?

I read a post on another forum where someone claimed this to be happening as of now and wondered if it was true?


Post# 709528 , Reply# 5   10/15/2013 at 18:32 (3,937 days old) by Washman (o)        
Phosphates YEA!

Gimme some!

Post# 709541 , Reply# 6   10/15/2013 at 19:33 (3,937 days old) by Mich (Hells Kitchen - New York)        
Procter & Gamble

mich's profile picture

Is currently, in the process of reformatting Institutional Cascade, due to NY's (and soon to be other states) requirement of Phosphate Free, detergents for Commercial Use. 


The new (Phosphate Free) formulation should be quite similar, to the current formula & performance of Cascade Gel.


That's the Current MSDS sheet, for Institutional Production of Cascade, and thanks to Right to Know Chemical Acts, STPP is listed ;) 



Post# 709571 , Reply# 7   10/16/2013 at 00:53 (3,937 days old) by pdub (Portland, Oregon)        

pdub's profile picture
Thanks Mich. So it's true then and pretty soon all phosphated Cascade will be gone. Good to know.

Post# 709613 , Reply# 8   10/16/2013 at 08:14 (3,936 days old) by Mich (Hells Kitchen - New York)        

mich's profile picture
Yes :( One truly wishes P&G would use there money, to buy some lobbyists to stop all this crap, but, apparently it's not worth it to them.

So much for "progress" in this country...

Post# 709719 , Reply# 9   10/16/2013 at 18:43 (3,936 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
Non phosphate detergent for commercial dishmachines

whirlykenmore78's profile picture

I have been using them for a while now.  As much as I was unsure at first the 3 I've used ( Ecolab Solid Fusion,  Ecolab Apex Power and Ecolab Solid Power XL)  work well in dishmachines supplied with softened water and deliver good results.  I have also used Solid Power XL and Apex Power in hard (25 grain) water and found the results to be decent. 


I should hope that If P&G is reworking Institutional Cascade to eliminate phosphates they leave out the enzymes.  These will not work in the high temperatures and very short wash times of commercial dishmachines.


Post# 710900 , Reply# 10   10/22/2013 at 18:08 (3,930 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
Yet another (Win) for the Commiecrat backed Greenies!

whirlykenmore78's profile picture

No Wonder I'm an Independent.  The Commiecrats supported this and the Rebigotans were too lazy to stop it. 


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