Thread Number: 49033
Wanted: Maytag Wringer Agitator N2L
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Post# 710049   10/18/2013 at 19:56 (3,934 days old) by dosxxpapa (Oregon)        

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Looking for a red and aluminum Maytag agitators for my Maytag N2L. If you have one you would like to sell and is in working condition let me know how much for it plus shipping cost.



Post# 710418 , Reply# 1   10/20/2013 at 08:44 (3,932 days old) by wringer (x)        

I wanted to add a red and an aluminum Maytag Agitator to my collection also. I called Phil in NY and he made me a good deal on them. I forget how much I paid him but they arrived safe and had good splines in them. His info is: Phil's Maytag Sales/Service/Parts in Ovid, NY. Cell is 315 246 5518 and shop number is 607 869 2263. Email is He is a very nice guy and calls back if you have to leave a message. I have purchased many things from him and have always been totally satisfied. Good Luck !


Post# 710454 , Reply# 2   10/20/2013 at 15:17 (3,932 days old) by dosxxpapa (Oregon)        

dosxxpapa's profile picture
Thank you very much Jim!


Post# 710749 , Reply# 3   10/22/2013 at 07:44 (3,930 days old) by wringer (x)        

Hope Phil has what you want at a good price. BTW, Love your home and car !!!!! I also use my wringers as daily drivers. Best !!


Post# 710761 , Reply# 4   10/22/2013 at 09:03 (3,930 days old) by dosxxpapa (Oregon)        

dosxxpapa's profile picture
Phil does have a nice aluminum Maytag Agitator that I am buying with a good spline in it. He will keep his eye out for a red one as well.

Thanks for your help


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