Thread Number: 49051
GE Commercial High Temp.Dishwasher
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Post# 710295   10/19/2013 at 19:34 (3,933 days old) by xpanam (Palm Springs California )        

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When did GE make commercial appliances?

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Post# 710300 , Reply# 1   10/19/2013 at 19:55 (3,933 days old) by bajaespuma (Connecticut)        

bajaespuma's profile picture
I worked at GE corporate headquarters in Easton, CT for several years in the late eighties and all of the kitchen equipment was GE-badged back then including all of the horrendous electric stoves. They replaced the stoves with gas in the early nineties because all of the chefs complained. The laundry room also had GE TOL's including a Dispensall washer. They were also replaced by commercial front-loaders in the nineties. IIRC all of the other refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers and steam-kettles worked fine.

Post# 710378 , Reply# 2   10/20/2013 at 02:14 (3,932 days old) by stevet (West Melbourne, FL)        

Give me a break! and all of us a break.
While this machine merits some conversation amongs dishwasher fans, it was nothing revolutionary at all and was probably never sold in large enough numbers to really compete with the major players.
All I can tell you is that GE did make a vast line of commercial cooking products. They had Kettles, Braising pans, fryers and even Microwave ovens which were absolutely huge at the time. The made dishwashers too, from single tanks like the one in the link to multitank units. They made grills for McDonalds that were so rock soild and well designed too. They may actually have been the first company to make computer controlled fryers that surpassed anything on the market and were designed to provide consistent results batch after batch. Even their toasters went from the classic bimetal style timers to an electronic timer that would account for the ambient temperature in the toaster so that you would get toast that looked identical to the slices that came before it as well as after it.

Many of the larger ranges were branded as Hotpoint and the fryers as well.

In 1981, they sold the commercial cooking, dishwasher and water cooler lines to Hobart and Hobart continued with the same designs for years. In fact, Hobart/Vulcan/Wolf all market many items that are basically identical to the stuff GE made. Much of the counter line was eventually sold to APW-Wyott who has continued building those products to the same design and specs as the original GE designs.

The dishwashers were already winding down by the time GE sold it to Hobart and the production just ceased. Therefore, since nothing for them has been made for over 30 years, there would be nothing at all available for them. Anyone who buys that dishwasher will be in for a surprise!

Post# 710409 , Reply# 3   10/20/2013 at 07:12 (3,932 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        
Good Lord

toploader55's profile picture
I forgot all about the GE Commercial Line.

Back in the Seventies when I was going to C.I.A., they had one GE Kitchen and It Truly Sucked. Very difficult to regulate the cooktops, and IIRC they took forever to heat up and cool down. If you wanted to boil a pot of water, you'd have to put it on at 7 AM to get it boiling by 11 AM.

Steve, did that dishwasher have staionary spray pipes or revolving ?

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