Thread Number: 49109
WI-57 Unimatic and DI-57 Filtrator Set For Sale
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Post# 711026   10/23/2013 at 09:59 (3,929 days old) by TrainGuy (Key West, FL)        

trainguy's profile picture

Time's running out for me to move and I can't get everything done that I'd like to.  I'm going to be listing pieces on here and we'll see what we can do.


First listing is for a 1957 Frigidaire set.  The washer is complete but all apart.  The transmission is still together though.  It still has its original pulsator and rubber rings.  It was working before I took it apart.  The dryer is together and working.


They are both in excellent shape.  The chrome is still nice and shiny.  I don't remember any chips in the porcelain.  I can try to get pics sometime, but I have machines and parts and furniture and trains jammed into 4 storage units and I have lots to do before next Wednesday.


I'm looking for SERIOUS offers, but the main element is timing.  I'll only have a few brief periods of time to check email, so please be patient.  If you want to get shipping estimates, the washer and dryer are in zip code 15317.


Thank you for your interest.

Post# 711051 , Reply# 1   10/23/2013 at 12:41 (3,929 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

philr's profile picture
Hi Rich,

I'd be interested to buy you the pulsator to replace the one on my WIC-57.

Post# 711117 , Reply# 2   10/23/2013 at 20:17 (3,929 days old) by xraytech (Rural southwest Pennsylvania )        

xraytech's profile picture
Rich, what other machines will you be selling?
Seriously looking to buy

Post# 711166 , Reply# 3   10/24/2013 at 06:49 (3,928 days old) by marty (Central Point, Oregon)        

Hi Rich, I sent you an email.


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