Thread Number: 49110
Parts Inventory For Sale As A Whole Unit
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Post# 711028   10/23/2013 at 10:15 (4,128 days old) by TrainGuy (Key West, FL)        

trainguy's profile picture

I don't really know the best way to do this in that I have no complete inventory of parts.  I have tub after tub and box after box of NOS parts of which most are in their original boxes.  I do have most marked as six or seven digit starting mainly with a 5, 6 or 7.  There are other tubs with newer parts beginning with 9 or 11.  I would say that half are unimatic, pulsamatic, multimatic and filtrator while the other half are rollermatic and 1-18 parts.


The only appliances I'm keeping are my turquoise WCI-65 & pink DCIF-65 and gold 1978 1-18 set.  If we made a deal on the parts, I'd need to ask that when I needed a few parts for these 4 machines, you'd sell those parts back to me.


So please hit me up with SERIOUS inquiries and suggestions.  Thank you!

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