Thread Number: 49126
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Post# 711235   10/24/2013 at 17:28 (3,928 days old) by dosxxpapa (Oregon)        

dosxxpapa's profile picture
Wanted: 1940's or 1950's dishwasher. Will need to be shipped to Oregon.



Post# 711244 , Reply# 1   10/24/2013 at 18:38 (3,928 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
HI Joe:

danemodsandy's profile picture
The dishwasher you might want to think about is the KitchenAid KD-10, which was introduced in 1949.

Of all the dishwashers available at that time, the KD-10 is closest to what we think of as a modern dishwasher. Other makes and models varied a lot in performance; other members here could advise you better than I on what others might be acceptable performers by today's standards.

The one strange thing about the KD-10 that you'll need to be aware of is that it was available with a gravity drain, meaning a solenoid opened up and that let the water drain out into a floor drain; there was no pump on that model. That means some plumbing changes will be needed in most instances.

Below is a re-post of an AW member's photo from several years ago; is that not the most gorgeous late-Forties styling you ever saw? The entire KitchenAid brochure for the KD-10 is available for download from Automatic Ephemera; just go to and search on "KitchanAid" in the drop-down list of manufacturers. You'll see the brochure in the listings of what's available. There's a small fee for download, but trust me, you'll get a clearer copy than a vintage original.

Post# 711245 , Reply# 2   10/24/2013 at 19:09 (3,928 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Forgot to Mention:

danemodsandy's profile picture
'40s and '50s dishwashers were not necessarily the same 24-inch-wide size as today's, so you need to check that dimension as you are assessing dishwashers. Since you have an established kitchen with vintage cabinets, I'm guessing you wouldn't be eager to alter them.

The KitchenAid is pretty much the same size as today's dishwashers.

Post# 711246 , Reply# 3   10/24/2013 at 19:10 (3,928 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

swestoyz's profile picture
There was a pump modeled version of the 10. It had the same pump set-up as the KD-11. Although finding a 10 with a pump would be difficult, but keep your eyes open. 10's do show up from time to time.


Post# 711248 , Reply# 4   10/24/2013 at 19:35 (3,928 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
And Joe:

danemodsandy's profile picture
The KD-11 was very similar to the KD-10; it looks almost identical except for a fancy escutcheon around the handle. Might be easier to find than a 10, and Ben is correct that 10s with pumps are not that common. I can see how my original post could be interpreted to say that no 10s had pumps, but that was not the case.

Post# 711253 , Reply# 5   10/24/2013 at 20:13 (3,928 days old) by dosxxpapa (Oregon)        

dosxxpapa's profile picture
Thanks for all the help!!!

Sounds like the KD-11 would be the one I want. Excellent information!!! I will start to keep my eye and ears open. Hopefully something will come available in the near future.

Again Thanks!!!!

Post# 711355 , Reply# 6   10/25/2013 at 14:23 (3,927 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

There was a 40's Hotpoint on EBay about a month ago. The link should still be around here somewhere.

Post# 711377 , Reply# 7   10/25/2013 at 18:50 (3,927 days old) by xpanam (Palm Springs California )        

xpanam's profile picture
Hey Joe how about this one? Its kind of far though.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO xpanam's LINK on Pittsburgh Craigslist

Post# 711383 , Reply# 8   10/25/2013 at 19:03 (3,927 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
As We....

danemodsandy's profile picture
....Think of dishwashers to recommend to Joe, it might be worth a look at Joe's truly exceptional 1948 vintage kitchen, which can be seen at this link:

You'll see that Joe has vintage cabinets and other features that he probably isn't going to want to cut up to accommodate some of the oddball-sized dishwashers of the early '50s.

And if you haven't seen Joe's kitchen, you owe it to yourself to take a look anyway! :)

Post# 711397 , Reply# 9   10/25/2013 at 19:40 (3,927 days old) by firedome (Binghamton NY & Lake Champlain VT)        
Yes that kitchen is wonderful...

firedome's profile picture
and KA10/11 is a great choice. The Youngstown of that vintage actually washed quite well also, but being a top-loader that might be a problem... I spent many an hour watching that vertical spray tube go 'round thru the glass window that they so conveniently provided. I think it was that very machine that so impressed me so, and led to my current dishwasher dependency!

Post# 711398 , Reply# 10   10/25/2013 at 19:44 (3,927 days old) by firedome (Binghamton NY & Lake Champlain VT)        

firedome's profile picture
love your "pregnant elephant"! As a former '55 and '56 Packard owner, I love ALL things Packard. Those '48-50s were some of their finest, despite the controversial look. What model is it? ...288, 327, or 356 engine?

Post# 711423 , Reply# 11   10/25/2013 at 21:31 (3,927 days old) by dosxxpapa (Oregon)        
What Kind Is That?

dosxxpapa's profile picture
Thanks guys. What kind of dishwasher is that and what size would it be? My modern dishwasher which I made to look vintage is 24 inches. I need something that would be the same size with a pump for the water and not a gravity drain.

Thanks for looking for me, I really appreciate it.

Have a great weekend everyone!


Post# 711424 , Reply# 12   10/25/2013 at 21:32 (3,927 days old) by dosxxpapa (Oregon)        

dosxxpapa's profile picture
It is a 1949 23rd series with a 327 straight eight in it.

Post# 711431 , Reply# 13   10/25/2013 at 22:36 (3,927 days old) by marty (Central Point, Oregon)        


I live in Medford Oregon. Where in Oregon do you live? I might have something you would be interested in.


Post# 711450 , Reply# 14   10/26/2013 at 04:12 (3,926 days old) by xpanam (Palm Springs California )        
oddball-sized dishwashers

xpanam's profile picture
"You'll see that Joe has vintage cabinets and other features that he probably isn't going to want to cut up to accommodate some of the oddball-sized dishwashers of the early '50s." LOL SANDY!!!!!Oddball!!!!!

Hi Joe! I have a KD 10 that I need to sell! Its in good shape and everything works! Let me know, I live in Orange County CA. My Home# 714-641 1284. My cell is 714 766-9634. Rob.

Post# 711472 , Reply# 15   10/26/2013 at 09:44 (3,926 days old) by dosxxpapa (Oregon)        
Hey Marty

dosxxpapa's profile picture
I live in the Albany area. What are you selling?


Post# 711754 , Reply# 16   10/27/2013 at 20:45 (3,925 days old) by dosxxpapa (Oregon)        
Hey Rob

dosxxpapa's profile picture
Does it have a pump on it or is it gravity drain? How wide is it and how tall? And how much do you need for it? Send some pictures please. About how much does it weigh? I am wondering if Fed-EX or USP can ship it.



Post# 711805 , Reply# 17   10/28/2013 at 03:36 (3,924 days old) by xpanam (Palm Springs California )        

xpanam's profile picture
Hi Joe It is a gravity drain. But I know you can make it into a pump drain. Its stander 24x34. I will be going to my storage unit this week, will take pictures. Joe its heavy 200 lb. I think. Forget Fed-EX or USP!!! LOL! There are some experts on here for shipping things like this. One of I have herd of is Craters and Freighters?,no? Pictures no later than Wednesday! Make me an offer after you see the pictures.

Thanks Rob.
PS you can call me if you want.

Post# 712393 , Reply# 18   10/31/2013 at 06:54 (3,921 days old) by dosxxpapa (Oregon)        

dosxxpapa's profile picture
Hey Rob,

Tried to call you about the KD-10 and got no answer. Call me back and send some picture please.



Post# 712451 , Reply# 19   10/31/2013 at 15:39 (3,921 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        

christfr's profile picture
go for the ka youll love it

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