Thread Number: 49152
KDS 18
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Post# 711557   10/26/2013 at 19:25 (3,926 days old) by xpanam (Palm Springs California )        

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Post# 711560 , Reply# 1   10/26/2013 at 19:37 (3,926 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
A nice DW

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Also a true HOBART!  No one knows dishwashers better than them.  The vast majority of Chefs(such as myself) and Ecolab guys would agree.  Many consider this to be Hobart's best residential dishwasher. 

Just remember that this is a commercial dishwasher at heart.  It needs a reliable source of 140f water and you will have to scrape the dishes before they go into the machine. 


Post# 711568 , Reply# 2   10/26/2013 at 20:29 (3,925 days old) by xpanam (Palm Springs California )        

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Hi Nick! What do you know about Institutional Finish by Ecolab? Thanks Rob.

Post# 711620 , Reply# 3   10/27/2013 at 07:29 (3,925 days old) by chachp (North Little Rock, AR)        
Just curious?

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Why do you say it needs a reliable source of 140f water? Does it not heat the water? And why do you have to scrape the dishes in this model? Not that I would put huge chunks of anything in any dishwasher but I general don't rinse or scrape and in most of the KitchenAids I have used that has not been an issue. The 18 series is about the only one I don't have any experience using.

Post# 711676 , Reply# 4   10/27/2013 at 12:24 (3,925 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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the 18 doesn't have automatic water heating that was instituted beginning with the 19 series. It simply "maintains" and raises main wash water temperature about 1.5 degrees per minute (based upon what I've read through all the older service manuals from the 15 series Superbas onward.

Post# 711722 , Reply# 5   10/27/2013 at 17:13 (3,925 days old) by washer111 ()        

Whilst the model used the heater (700w) during the Wash/Rinse phases to maintain the water temperature as Bob said, the full power of the heater was only use when the "Sani-Wash" was selected, so as to heat the final rinse water to 180ºF.


Therefore, you need a nice, hot water supply to ensure the Pre-Washes/Rinses heat up the tank/contents of the dishwasher to ensure washing performance is up to scratch for the Main-Wash period. 

Post# 711744 , Reply# 6   10/27/2013 at 19:58 (3,925 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
What I mean is

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The pump of this machine is designed to wash and sanitize not grind up mounds of garbage.  NO commercial DW pump is meant to.  This does not mean that the machine can't handle a large load of VERY dirty dishes.  However if large bits of food are on the dishes they will be in the filter when the cycle ends.


Post# 711973 , Reply# 7   10/28/2013 at 20:22 (3,923 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        
Extra Credit Nick !!!

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Nicely explained.

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