Thread Number: 49173
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Post# 711755   10/27/2013 at 21:03 (4,124 days old) by dosxxpapa (Oregon)        

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Vintage Hotpoint Washboard Sink/Dishwasher

CLICK HERE TO GO TO dosxxpapa's LINK on eBay

Post# 711757 , Reply# 1   10/27/2013 at 21:03 (4,124 days old) by bluejay (Havre de Grace, MD)        

bluejay's profile picture
I love the faucet center on this!

Post# 711783 , Reply# 2   10/28/2013 at 01:02 (4,124 days old) by washdaddy (Baltimore)        

Are those two little pop out drawers on each side of the faucet or are they just decorative? An out of the place to store ones sponges or scrub pads perhaps.

Also, would be neat to see how that DW loaded. Considering the racks literally stack on top of each other it looks a little cumbersome if you would have to add something to the lower once you've put things into the upper.

That DW control knob doesn't look like it's the original knob either. I would think the original wouldn't have black accents but white to blend in with the rest of the cabinet. But I could be mistaken.

What does everyone else think?

Post# 711820 , Reply# 3   10/28/2013 at 06:53 (4,124 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Those are tilt-out bins for exactly what you thought should be stored in them.

The top rack sitting on top of the lower rack was made less cumbersome by the liftout rectangular center section in the upper rack through which you could load and unload the bottom rack if you wished.

You are right about the knob; it is not the original.

What they call a washboard out of ignorance is really the drain board.

On a related matter, I love seeing the puzzlement of younger house-hunters encountering the telephone niche in hallway walls of older homes.

Post# 711841 , Reply# 4   10/28/2013 at 09:07 (4,124 days old) by bluejay (Havre de Grace, MD)        

bluejay's profile picture
Same seller also has a nice looking Hotpoint stove for sale. Bet they're from the same kitchen...

CLICK HERE TO GO TO bluejay's LINK on eBay

Post# 711882 , Reply# 5   10/28/2013 at 13:25 (4,124 days old) by washdaddy (Baltimore)        

The stove looks really nice and clean. What type of burner is the left rear.

Also the console looks like it may be missing a pair of sockets on the left side or is that suppose to be something else?

Post# 712140 , Reply# 6   10/29/2013 at 17:43 (4,123 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

The left rear unit is the deep-well cooker. The element lowers, and the deep-well pot fits down into it.

Post# 712167 , Reply# 7   10/29/2013 at 21:05 (4,122 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Uh, Joe....

danemodsandy's profile picture

Are you beginning to understand what I meant when I referred in another thread to the "oddball sizes" of some late-'40s/early-'50s dishwashers? Wink

Post# 713044 , Reply# 8   11/3/2013 at 20:03 (4,117 days old) by marks (Tucker, GA)        

marks's profile picture
Well, it was close by, so I got the dishwasher!
The faucet does need some restoration. Anyone know of anyone who can restore the chrome?
The rest is in pretty good shape. It will be a while before I can hook it up and hear it run. It will find a home as the wash sink for the Easy, next to the Westy's.

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