Thread Number: 49192
A unique Roper gas range (Flair wannabe), also a Skelgas range.
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Post# 712057   10/29/2013 at 08:10 (3,923 days old) by polkanut (Wausau, WI )        

polkanut's profile picture

You don't see these everyday.  I just had to post the ad link, and it's only $50.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO polkanut's LINK on Greenbay Craigslist

Post# 712058 , Reply# 1   10/29/2013 at 08:15 (3,923 days old) by polkanut (Wausau, WI )        

polkanut's profile picture

This older 40" Skelgas range is set up for lp, but I would think it could easily be converted to natural gas.  Any ideas who made this range?

CLICK HERE TO GO TO polkanut's LINK on Madison Craigslist

Post# 712059 , Reply# 2   10/29/2013 at 08:19 (3,923 days old) by polkanut (Wausau, WI )        

polkanut's profile picture

How about this very unique (Art Deco?) Tappan gas range?  It's very striking!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO polkanut's LINK on Madison Craigslist

Post# 712081 , Reply# 3   10/29/2013 at 12:05 (3,923 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        
Thanks for the gassy memories

That Roper Charm (as in hath no charm) is in remarkable shape given its age and the way those high oven ranges deteriorated in use unless kept super clean.

Imagine facing that 1930s Tappan first thing in the morning. You would almost need to keep a pair of dark glasses outside the kitchen door; definitely not a stove for the cook who drank.

Post# 712102 , Reply# 4   10/29/2013 at 14:18 (3,923 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
Roper Charm!!

Now that I would love, simply for the unique look if nothing else!

Post# 712137 , Reply# 5   10/29/2013 at 17:41 (3,923 days old) by jamiel (Detroit, Michigan and Palm Springs, CA)        

jamiel's profile picture
I was intrigued several months ago and did some research, ISTR that Skelgas ranges were made by Vernois in Mount Vernon, IL. Apparently Skelgas had a significant market in appliances throughout rural areas.

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