Thread Number: 49229
Vintage Frigidaire Imperial Refrigerator - $5200 (Mariett
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Post# 712467   10/31/2013 at 17:18 (4,098 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

ovrphil's profile picture
I LOVE this refrigerator - more if I had lotto-loot to waste on it. fifty-two hundred smackers, eh?

CLICK HERE TO GO TO ovrphil's LINK on Parkersburg Craigslist

Post# 712472 , Reply# 1   10/31/2013 at 17:55 (4,097 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

I'd say the seller could use 5,200 smacks over the head.

Post# 712476 , Reply# 2   10/31/2013 at 18:07 (4,097 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

ovrphil's profile picture
with bags of ice for the "smackers"

Post# 712480 , Reply# 3   10/31/2013 at 18:40 (4,097 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Ye Gods....

danemodsandy's profile picture
....Does this seller think that NASA or the GSA has begun collecting appliances?

Post# 712515 , Reply# 4   11/1/2013 at 00:39 (4,097 days old) by washdaddy (Baltimore)        

Very nice looking frig.

I think the seller may have cracked their head open a time or two with the ice bin instead of an ice cube tray.

Post# 712518 , Reply# 5   11/1/2013 at 01:10 (4,097 days old) by bluejay (Havre de Grace, MD)        

bluejay's profile picture
The seller has it on eBay too. It started it out at $7200...

I'm actually looking for this fridge (but not at that price). Ideally, I'd prefer it to be sunny yellow, but I would go with white as well.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO bluejay's LINK on eBay

Post# 712538 , Reply# 6   11/1/2013 at 02:19 (4,097 days old) by d-jones (Western Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh Area))        

d-jones's profile picture

The best thing to do with sellers like this is ignore them completely.

Post# 712600 , Reply# 7   11/1/2013 at 13:45 (4,097 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

Yeah, that's been on EBay for quite a while.

Post# 712608 , Reply# 8   11/1/2013 at 14:19 (4,097 days old) by kb0nes (Burnsville, MN)        

kb0nes's profile picture
And as a bonus there is the offer of "personal delivery $750 + $1.50 a mile". That extra zero is a typo I'd hope.

Seems like the cost of a mind altering drug habit has gone up...

Post# 712609 , Reply# 9   11/1/2013 at 14:21 (4,097 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

Judging from other items the seller has listed on eBay, you'd think he'd know enough to realize that the fridge is nowhere near worth what he's asking, even if it were NIB. 


P.T. Barnum may have been right, but this guy is taking that postulation far beyond its limits.



Post# 712620 , Reply# 10   11/1/2013 at 16:22 (4,097 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

ovrphil's profile picture
As W.C.Fields once said, "a sucker is born every minute". I can't imagine anyone coming around to match the Field's philosophy. The seller is hallucinating.

Post# 712621 , Reply# 11   11/1/2013 at 16:29 (4,097 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        
Phil --

rp2813's profile picture

Sandy will correct things if I'm wrong . . .


That quote did not come from W.C. Fields.  I think you have confused one of his films, Never Give a Sucker an Even Break, with the the statement made by Barnum.

Post# 712639 , Reply# 12   11/1/2013 at 17:48 (4,096 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

danemodsandy's profile picture
Actually, some feel that the words "There's a sucker born every minute" were put in P.T. Barnum's mouth by others who were trying to discredit the showman. Barnum's over-ballyhooed exhibits, some of which were outright fakes, were highly controversial in their time, with rival showmen greatly offended by Barnum's ability to make money hand over fist sometimes using basically nothing but false publicity. To make the public think that Barnum was contemptuous of the average man's intelligence would have been an attempt to get that average man angry enough with Barnum to stop going to his "museums" and circuses.

It did not work; Barnum thanked his detractors for the free publicity. His acts, exhibits and circuses kept right on going, most profitably.

Post# 712644 , Reply# 13   11/1/2013 at 18:25 (4,096 days old) by polkanut (Wausau, WI )        

polkanut's profile picture

Although not a Frigidaire, this GE refrigerator is very reasonably priced @ $25.  It looks fairly complete inside, and clean too.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO polkanut's LINK on Wausau Craigslist

Post# 712655 , Reply# 14   11/1/2013 at 18:53 (4,096 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

ovrphil's profile picture
Oh-oh, asleep again - it was P.T. Barnum. Another E minus in history.
I was thinking of W.C.Fields's movie, but thought he said it, too.

$25 is fair, but the ad is stingy with a description...even if...action speaks louder than words.

Post# 712683 , Reply# 15   11/1/2013 at 20:11 (4,096 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

Yeah, it would be nice to know if that GE even runs.  If it does, I'd put my money on it outlasting the Frigidaire that's priced over 200 times higher.

Post# 712910 , Reply# 16   11/3/2013 at 06:02 (4,095 days old) by polkanut (Wausau, WI )        

polkanut's profile picture

I spoke with the seller yesterday about the GE fridge and was told it does run, and it is very quiet.

Post# 712919 , Reply# 17   11/3/2013 at 06:36 (4,095 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

philr's profile picture
I used to have a similar GE fridge that I sent to a recycling program for $60 as I had been offering it to people around delivered for free and nobody wanted it... I kept it unused for a year hoping to find someone who would adopt it but that didn't happen. It was a good beer fridge and easy to defrost. I didn't store perishable food in it so I just had to set it to defrost overnight once in a while and the melted ice from the freezer would get in the "meats" drawer. Mine was a bit older and still used SO2 as a refrigerant and because it was a Canadian model, it had door shelves too!

Expecting a fridge like this to become your main fridge at home might lead to disappointments but these are great for camps and to store drinks in a garage!

BTW, I currently have a small Kelvintor fridge from the mid-1990s and I'm also stuck with it. I wouldn't be a good appliance salesman as I can't find takers for free delivered appliances even when I ask to people who need one! I offered to a co-worker of mine to help her getting rid of her non-working fridge in her basement and to give her this one and she refused! Then, I offered it to a friend to use as a second fridge as he talked about getting one some time ago but he didn't want it either... Then to another friend to put in the apartment over his whareouse as there's a nice kitchen there and there's an empty spot for the fridge in the cabinets (he currently has a tiny office fridge there). He also refused as he's looking to buy a stainless fridge to match his stove!
Maybe I should offer it as a partial trade for a 40" stove I want to buy next week!

Post# 712975 , Reply# 18   11/3/2013 at 12:58 (4,095 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

Phil, you're going about this wrong. If it's FREE, people are looking for the "catch".


Now, if you said "well, I gotta have $25.00 for it", it would surely be gone!

Post# 712989 , Reply# 19   11/3/2013 at 15:19 (4,095 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

philr's profile picture

You're probably right Kenny! 

Post# 713038 , Reply# 20   11/3/2013 at 19:38 (4,094 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

danemodsandy's profile picture
Tim -

That little GE is one we had (in White) very briefly when I was a kid.

A few weeks before I turned six years old, we moved into our first house; we'd been apartment-dwellers before that. The house represented quite a bit of scrimping and saving on my parents' part, and after the closing, they didn't have enough money for a new refrigerator, something the house didn't come with.

My mom's best friend came to the rescue with a secondhand unit belonging to her friends across the street from her.

Sadly, we'd been in the house less than six months when a faulty furnace flue set it afire. While damage was confined to two rooms, one of those rooms was the kitchen, meaning R.I.P. little GE.

When the place was repaired, the kitchen got a nearly total remodel; we kept the '48 Loewy Frigidaire range, which was fine after cleaning. That's when Mom got the 1958 GE bottom-mount Combination which was the envy of all who saw it, and which served for thirty years.

All this was over half a century ago, and I recognized that little GE as soon as I saw it.

Post# 733836 , Reply# 21   2/8/2014 at 20:02 (3,997 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        
DON'T faint...

ovrphil's profile picture
now only $2,800 .... will wonders ever cease?

CLICK HERE TO GO TO ovrphil's LINK on Parkersburg Craigslist

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