Thread Number: 49264
How about some truly Art Deco furniture?
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Post# 712930   11/3/2013 at 08:18 (3,990 days old) by polkanut (Wausau, WI )        

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One of our local estate sale operators has this GORGEOUS Art Deco sofa and side chair for sale on consignment.  You have to see it to believe what great shape it's in.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO polkanut's LINK on Wausau Craigslist

Post# 712980 , Reply# 1   11/3/2013 at 14:00 (3,990 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        
Just Beautiful.

toploader55's profile picture
Love Deco.

Post# 712994 , Reply# 2   11/3/2013 at 15:54 (3,990 days old) by Supersuds (Knoxville, Tenn.)        

supersuds's profile picture
I wonder how old it really is? I wouldn't know a modern reproduction from an original. It's attractive either way and probably well worth the money, if you've priced new furniture recently.

Post# 712995 , Reply# 3   11/3/2013 at 16:07 (3,990 days old) by polkanut (Wausau, WI )        

polkanut's profile picture

I stopped by the furniture store we usually deal with this afternoon to get a replacement handle for my recliner, and I saw some of the prices.  OMG!  So $1200 isn't too bad especially if you like Art Deco, reproduction or not.

Post# 713067 , Reply# 4   11/3/2013 at 23:03 (3,990 days old) by Supersuds (Knoxville, Tenn.)        

supersuds's profile picture
I agree. Quality furniture will set you back, but why get stuck for years with cheap trashy stuff? That's what I did...ahem.

The posting's been deleted, so it must have sold.

Post# 713076 , Reply# 5   11/4/2013 at 03:15 (3,990 days old) by petek (Ontari ari ari O )        

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To me that couch/chair looked like a reproduction for some reason.

Post# 713107 , Reply# 6   11/4/2013 at 10:30 (3,989 days old) by Supersuds (Knoxville, Tenn.)        

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The thing that made me wonder was the red/black upholstery. My grandmother's living room wasn't changed after the 1940s, and everything in it was brown mohair. Rad and black would have seemed kind of jarring back then, methinks.

I could see the same design in white (like a Hollywood movie), perhaps.

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