Thread Number: 49401
Bloody expensive washing powder
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Post# 714513   11/11/2013 at 02:37 (3,910 days old) by lancethecook (Driffield England)        

Vintage Tide Washing Powder
Are we to presume that the white powder inside the box is perhaps not washing powder?

CLICK HERE TO GO TO lancethecook's LINK on eBay

Post# 714514 , Reply# 1   11/11/2013 at 02:50 (3,910 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
Good grief

ozzie908's profile picture
Somehow I do not see this selling very fast!


Post# 714572 , Reply# 2   11/11/2013 at 11:13 (3,910 days old) by electron1100 (England)        
0 feedback

electron1100's profile picture
pity about the bids from Mr 0 feedback.............ah well if went for that price ill get mine out

Post# 714603 , Reply# 3   11/11/2013 at 14:09 (3,910 days old) by chachp (North Little Rock, AR)        
Is my math off?

chachp's profile picture
or is that something like $12,000.00 US?

Post# 714621 , Reply# 4   11/11/2013 at 15:11 (3,910 days old) by lancethecook (Driffield England)        
Tide washing powder

As most of you will notice all bidders except me have "0" feedback so obviously a hoax but why?

Post# 714676 , Reply# 5   11/11/2013 at 18:00 (3,910 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield, East Midlands, UK)        
False Bids

vacbear58's profile picture
Who knows why these things happen, hopefully if the seller has any savvy he will cancel what are obviously not serious bids and you will be back in the game again
It might be worth reminding him that he can do so ...... (ask him a question)

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