Thread Number: 49424
Odd Westinghouse range & oven
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Post# 714911   11/12/2013 at 17:18 (3,909 days old) by AtomicT (Middletown, NY)        

atomict's profile picture

Kinda cool looking but only two burners

CLICK HERE TO GO TO AtomicT's LINK on Hudsonvalley Craigslist

Post# 714925 , Reply# 1   11/12/2013 at 18:17 (3,909 days old) by moparwash (Pittsburgh,PA )        

moparwash's profile picture
This is the Westinghouse Continental...their answer to the Frigidaire Flair....the burner 'drawer' pulls out and there are four burners

Post# 714926 , Reply# 2   11/12/2013 at 18:26 (3,909 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

Looks very clean, including inside the oven, and appears to be complete with all oven accessories.


I had no idea that Westinghouse made a Flair type pull-out range.  Thanks for posting!

Post# 714945 , Reply# 3   11/12/2013 at 19:58 (3,909 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
Lots of companies

Made them, Monarch had the Modernique, Hotpoint the Hallmark, Roper the Charm,Sears the Classic and of course Westinghouses Contiental

Post# 714962 , Reply# 4   11/12/2013 at 20:50 (3,908 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

turquoisedude's profile picture
Oh, and Moffat made one too, eh! It was called the 'Gourmet' I believe.

Post# 714965 , Reply# 5   11/12/2013 at 20:54 (3,908 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
I would like to find.

A Modernique....or any Monarch for that matter..

Post# 715542 , Reply# 6   11/15/2013 at 13:21 (3,906 days old) by moparwash (Pittsburgh,PA )        

moparwash's profile picture
Don't forget the Tappan'Fabulous 400'

Post# 720115 , Reply# 7   12/9/2013 at 12:22 (3,882 days old) by fisherpaykel (BC Canada)        
Coontinental, Flair et all

I believe the Moffat version was the Moffat Fiesta

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