Thread Number: 49448
Kenmore Pair
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Post# 715224   11/13/2013 at 23:01 (3,995 days old) by oldskool (Kansas City, MO)        

These have been on Kansas City CL for a couple weeks. Someone may be interested.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO oldskool's LINK on Kansascity Craigslist

Post# 715237 , Reply# 1   11/14/2013 at 00:36 (3,995 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

The masculine motif of those panels is one of my favorites.  You can't beat the price.

Post# 715240 , Reply# 2   11/14/2013 at 00:44 (3,995 days old) by rustyspaatz ()        

Look at how staged these two are. They look really GOOD !

I've had several of these washer in white and one in avocado, but no dryers.

They look really clean for the age.

Post# 715287 , Reply# 3   11/14/2013 at 08:20 (3,995 days old) by oldskool (Kansas City, MO)        

What's up with the gold colored cap on a black agitator? Was that standard? Any ideas?

The owner states he purchased them in recent weeks at an estate sale, and the lady who previously owned them took great care and had them maintained, and were in surprisingly good condition, given their age.

Post# 715316 , Reply# 4   11/14/2013 at 11:48 (3,994 days old) by rustyspaatz ()        

You've got to expect in the almost 50 years that they have been in existence, some service has been performed.

It looks like a color blind service guy put a cap on that was "serviceable", to hold the agitator in place.

I couldn't have been an AW member. Something like that would be an automatic revocation of AW privilegesSurprised.

Post# 715357 , Reply# 5   11/14/2013 at 15:33 (3,994 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
my experience with Sears parts places was everything for replacement was that gold color....even vacuum attachments.....seems like they only stocked one color...

Post# 715647 , Reply# 6   11/16/2013 at 01:45 (3,993 days old) by 70series ( Connecticut.)        

These are 1967 Model 70s. It's not often that either a washer or a dryer in mint looking condition comes along, but to have a set such shape pop up is pretty rare. I agree that the gold cap on the black agitator is indicative that the washer had been serviced as that is a replacement. I've seen instances of this before with agitator caps, and could not imagine what could have occurred during the service call that warranted a replacement. My aunt had a 1968 Imperial Whirlpool that had a chrome capped agitator. When it was serviced, the cap was replaced with a 1970 style Kenmore gold cone one.

I hope this set goes to a deserving owner and a good home.


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