Thread Number: 49472
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Post# 715664   11/16/2013 at 08:06 (3,906 days old) by mopar65 (Almont MI)        

mopar65's profile picture
Found this on a search. Looks like it need some good cleaning!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO mopar65's LINK on eBay

Post# 715762 , Reply# 1   11/16/2013 at 20:59 (3,905 days old) by redcarpetdrew (Fairfield, CA)        

redcarpetdrew's profile picture
It's dirty alright. Whatever happened to cleaning something before selling it? Keeping that in mind, check out the seller's name. Makes total sense...


Post# 715767 , Reply# 2   11/16/2013 at 22:16 (3,905 days old) by sarahperdue (Alabama)        

sarahperdue's profile picture
Love the description. So how big is this? The picture makes it look dollhouse sized

Post# 715890 , Reply# 3   11/17/2013 at 17:19 (3,904 days old) by william637 (Damp pants? Not a chance. )        
I have one of these

william637's profile picture
To give you a perspective on size, the base is about 8" square. It comes with all sorts of little plastic plates, cups, glasses, cookware, and flatware. It was actually a lot of fun to play with when I first got it. Now I have it sitting up on a shelf so I see it on my way down to basement where the 20-something real machines greet me every day.

BTW - I would love a real Youngstown kitchen top-loader for my collection. If anybody knows of one, hit me up. Although my guess is everybody else would like one too :)

Post# 715911 , Reply# 4   11/17/2013 at 18:37 (3,904 days old) by rustyspaatz ()        



The extent that Youngstown went to sell their cabinets and appliances. 


It's adorable.


The dust kind of validates it.

Post# 716457 , Reply# 5   11/20/2013 at 09:16 (3,901 days old) by sarahperdue (Alabama)        
Ahhh, duh?

sarahperdue's profile picture
Now I get it. It's a toy. Really, really cute.


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