Thread Number: 49496
KD-12 SS Front in Mass
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Post# 715922   11/17/2013 at 19:27 (3,904 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        

toploader55's profile picture

Post# 715984 , Reply# 1   11/18/2013 at 00:45 (3,903 days old) by jkbff (Happy Rock, ND)        

jkbff's profile picture
This is gorgeous!! I wished I could go get it.

Post# 716028 , Reply# 2   11/18/2013 at 09:14 (3,903 days old) by william637 (Damp pants? Not a chance. )        
Just emailed the seller

william637's profile picture
This would be spectacular in my kitchen....

Post# 716045 , Reply# 3   11/18/2013 at 11:11 (3,903 days old) by william637 (Damp pants? Not a chance. )        
Just heard back from the seller

william637's profile picture
Looks like this may be mine on Saturday.

Post# 716120 , Reply# 4   11/18/2013 at 19:29 (3,903 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        
How ya gonna get it ?

toploader55's profile picture
If your shipping,,, Maybe they can bring you the KD2-P.

Post# 737235 , Reply# 5   2/23/2014 at 19:24 (3,806 days old) by jkbff (Happy Rock, ND)        

jkbff's profile picture
Did this get installed? :-) Pics please!

Post# 737241 , Reply# 6   2/23/2014 at 19:46 (3,806 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Miss Prescott Sez:

danemodsandy's profile picture

Post# 737256 , Reply# 7   2/23/2014 at 21:56 (3,805 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        
Gone already!

ovrphil's profile picture
? or ...deleted ...or is that link incorrect

Post# 737325 , Reply# 8   2/24/2014 at 08:08 (3,805 days old) by william637 (Damp pants? Not a chance. )        
Gone from the seller

william637's profile picture
But residing in my basement. Having an issue with the drain pump on that unit. But troubleshooting on all machines is currently on hold as the basement construction is VERY SLOWLY underway to properly house and display my collection.

Post# 737545 , Reply# 9   2/25/2014 at 01:16 (3,804 days old) by jkbff (Happy Rock, ND)        

jkbff's profile picture
Well if you get a chance to snap some pics I'd love to see them :-)

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