Thread Number: 49522
Okeefe 40" Stove with griddle Arizona
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Post# 716146   11/18/2013 at 21:22 (3,903 days old) by rustyspaatz ()        

My god, what a pig!

Look at this picture. And she/he/it wants how much?

And who installs a tall stove like this, in a PENINSULA?

Look at that filthy towel !

Its like she had a thought "take picture for ad", and's probably going to be the last time she has the energy and thought to do it, so she gets the camera NOW.

Couldn't be bothered to at least clear the crap off the stove.

(boy, based on the stuff I just wrote, one might think I were some callus, condescending, drama queen with a stick my butt.)

Ohhh-hhh, this just burns my ass !

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Post# 716204 , Reply# 1   11/19/2013 at 03:51 (3,902 days old) by washdaddy (Baltimore)        

And to think ....there's a bottle of spray cleaner of some sort sitting right there on the counter.....wonder how long it's been since that was used?

Post# 716255 , Reply# 2   11/19/2013 at 13:37 (3,902 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
If you!!!!

Turned every burner on I bet it would catch on fire!!!!

Post# 716267 , Reply# 3   11/19/2013 at 14:20 (3,902 days old) by rustyspaatz ()        
$800 ? I think it was originally $600 for the stove



I would love to see her $40 dryer. 


how bad is it?


This house is one step away from Hoarder status.


Is that a bag of top soil in the bottom right corner?


Should I send her a  note?   (tee hee)  I'm too nice and demure for that.Kiss 

Post# 716369 , Reply# 4   11/19/2013 at 22:11 (3,902 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        
Onslow's place

ovrphil's profile picture
The kind of place Onslow would be right at home.

"C'mon by, look 'er over - may have some bacon left for a sandwich...."

Some people have a comfort zone that is outside the twilight zone.

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